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India International Skill Development Summit

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1 India International Skill Development Summit
Description, Objectives & Partnership Opportunities

2 Introduction Skills and knowledge are the driving forces of economic growth and social development. Countries with higher and better levels of skills adjust more effectively to the challenges and opportunities of the world of work. But In India there is a huge mismatch between the current education and the skill sets that the industry and business needs, meaning that even though millions of students complete their education each year, few of them are adequately skilled to get a job for which they are supposed to have been trained. The Idea of organizing “First Indian International Skill Development Summit” is the initiative to fill that gap. OECD Countries had set benchmark in the field of Skill development & Employability. For India to do so, the biggest challenge will be to equip its populations with the necessary training and skillsets. And trough this summit we try to develop a bridge between EU & India. And Indian will learn with the experts in their filed, keeping in mind the large requirements of Indian business as well as educational institutions, and also the focus that the new government has decided to put on skilling the young India and increase the Employability. According to the government of India estimates, for the next 10 years, each year nearly 13 million young Indians will join the job market, translating into 130 million job seekers by 2024.

3 Objectives

4 Participants International Participant Indian Participant Governments
They will showcase their past achievement. How they can help us in the specific sectors Their offering to Indian Institute & Companies to meet their current requirements Indian Participant Indian Institute & Companies will showcase the current gap Will highlight their current requirements And what kind of support they are looking for others counties. Governments Highlight current skill development system and the role of the government in it Government initiative How they will help Indian Institute in to improve their Curriculum and trainings model How they will insure International Partners to do Investment in India How they will bridge up the things in between Indian & International participants

5 Description of the event
Panel Members: Ministers, Business Leader, Academicians and National & Global Training Leaders Bodies who have adopted some path breaking strategies to re-design function and address the current business needs. Panel Topics : Skill gap in specific sectors, Current skills requirement in these sectors, Case Studies, What kind of International Support we are looking for, Actual Implementation of things, Exchange Programmes and more Delegate Attendees : 500 Top Professionals from India & European Countries across all the industry & representing some of the leading organizations in the world. Networking Opportunities : A unique opportunity to network with the International community and open opportunities for joint ventures and associations at the event. G2G, G2B, B2B, B2I and I2I interaction for different business association.

6 Tentative programme Day 1* 9:00 10:00 Registration with Tea & Coffee
10:15 Event Inauguration by Hon’ble Minister of Skill Development & Chief Minister of Hosting State 10:25 Welcome Note - Hon’ble Minister of Skill Development 10:35 Welcome Note – Chief Minister of Hosting State 12:00 Session 1:- Skill Development Ministry 12:15 Networking Tea & Coffee Break 1:30 Session 2 :- OECD and Q&A round 1.30 2:30 Networking lunch 2:45 3:00 Key Note by Hon’ble Minister Mr. Bandaru Dattatreya - – Minister of Labour and Employment 4:30 Session 3 :- EIFE and Q&A round 5:30 Session 4 :- State Session and Q&A round 5:45 7:00 Session 5 :- NSDC and Q&A round 7:30 MOU Sing up 7:45 Closing Notes 8:00 Networking Dinner & Cocktail

7 Tentative programme Day 2* 9:00 09:45 Registration with Tea & Coffee
9.45 10.00 Key Note by Hon’ble Minister Mr. Kalraj Mishra– Minister of MSME 10:00 11:00 Session on - Auto & Auto component + Q&A 12:00 Session on – Building and Construction industry + Q&A 12:15 Networking Tea & Coffee Break 1.15 Session on - Education & Training + Q&A 1.10 2:15 Session on – Pharmaceuticals 3:15 Networking Launch 3:30 Key Note by Hon’ble Minister – Minister of Labour 4:30 Session on – Hospitality + Q&A 5:30 Session on – Agriculture & Food Processing + Q&A 5:45 6:45 Session on - Domestic Help + Q&A 7:15 Media India Group Presentation 7:45 MOU Sing up 8:00 Final Closing Notes Networking Dinner & Cocktail

8 Media campaign of the event
Invitation Personal Invitation to Central Minister, State Chief Minister and State Union Minister. Embassy will Invite all the European Companies Print International Ads in International Indian Magazine Ads in International Newspaper & Magazines International Event We will promote this event in all major International Event. i.e. G 20 Summit, COP 21 Summit, EU India Business Summit and EBTC Events and more National Electronic Media Leading news paper Leading Business & HR Magazines Web Exclusive website for the Summit Online registration SEO & SEM of the website Print Invitation sent to Corporate Leaders in India & Europe Online Promotional mailers sent 1.5 lakh professionals to promote the Event. E News letter – having the agenda of the Summit & Case studies Social Media: Promotion on Facebook Page in French, English & German language Promotion on Twitter in French, English & German language

9 Why Should you Participate?
Indian International Skill Development Summit 2016 is a different, focused, impactful and serves lots of takeaways for the stakeholders. The one day summit would include keynote addresses, breakout sessions, technical workshops and CEO's panel session. Some of the key takeaways would include Platform for Policy Deliberations Listen to policy makers and provide your perspective Knowledge Transfer : Exposure to Global Best Practices Networking: Explore collaborations with domestic/foreign partners Visibility: Leverage branding opportunities through advertisement, exhibition and sponsorship

10 Organisers & partners The Europe India Foundation for Excellence – EIFE is a think-tank, innovation-incubator and not-for-profit organization created with the objective of informing and educating global audience, with a focus on Europe about India. Seeing the potential for development, EIFE has launched an ambitious project, EU-India Skill Development Partnership, with the objective of building a platform with various government, private sector and civil society players to rapidly build up a vibrant skill development partnership ecosystem which envisages help from EU for various aspects of building up skill development in India. The National Skill Development Corporation India, (NSDC) is a one of its kind, Public Private Partnership in India. It aims to promote skill development by catalyzing creation of large, quality, for-profit vocational institutions. The approach is to develop partnerships with multiple stakeholders and build on current efforts, rather than undertaking too many initiatives directly, or duplicating efforts currently underway. International Labour Organization was founded in 1919, in the wake of a destructive war, to pursue a vision based on the premise that universal, lasting peace can be established only if it is based on social justice. The ILO became the first specialized agency of the UN in The unique tripartite structure of the ILO gives an equal voice to workers, employers and governments to ensure that the views of the social partners are closely reflected in labour standards and in shaping policies and programmes. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development is a Paris-based international economic organization of 34 high income economies. Each year, the OECD Forum gathers all stakeholders and addresses the most pressing issues on the international agenda. The OECD Forum takes place in conjunction with the annual OECD ministerial summit.

11 Organizer Knowledge Partner Supporting Partner Media Partner

12 International Institute Partner
ESCP, Paris Sciences Po, Paris Aerospace School Cluster, Paris MFJA, London School of Camber of Commerce, Europe (Group of 27 School) India House of Education, Belgium MindFra, Paris Indian Institute Partner Gurunanak College, Chennai Lavanya Media, New Delhi

13 Contact COUNT Christopher de Breza Ranvir Nayar
Founder of EIFE , Belgium Director – EIFE, Belgium Co-Founder of EICC , Belgium Managing Director - MIG, France Vaibhav Agarwal Sr. Marketing Manager - MIG & EIFE

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