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Gyuri Zene: Ravel - Bolero 1 2 Swinks szobor 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Gyuri Zene: Ravel - Bolero 1 2 Swinks szobor 3."— Presentation transcript:


2 Gyuri Zene: Ravel - Bolero 1

3 2

4 Swinks szobor 3

5 Tutanhamun as a sphins killing 4

6 Wooden chest with coloured ivory panels 5

7 Tutankamun and his wife 6

8 7

9 Deir el Bahari 8

10 Papyrus 9

11 Alabaster boat 10

12 Alabaster boat 11

13 Alabaster canopic jars 12

14 Alabastar perfume vase 13

15 Travellings boats 14

16 Pharaoh 15

17 Tutankahmun and Menkaret 16

18 Pharao 17

19 Fishing boats 18

20 Innermost coffin Sarcophag 19

21 Canopic shrine 20

22 Ecclesiastical chair 21

23 Golden throne 22

24 Falcon 23

25 Golden lion 24

26 Golden statue of Horus 25

27 Golden statue 26

28 Golden panel 27

29 Golden statue of the god Anubis 28

30 Golden statues of Egyptian gods 29

31 Innermost coffin 30

32 Golden funerary mask of Tutankhamun 31

33 Gold sheet collar 32

34 33

35 Golden mask 34

36 35

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