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CSE 436—Software Development Models Ron K. Cytron 16 October 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "CSE 436—Software Development Models Ron K. Cytron 16 October 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE 436—Software Development Models Ron K. Cytron 16 October 2006

2 CSE 436 Software Engineering Workshop Today Review of software development models More software development models Discussion of architecture for today and for SRRD Break Groups present block diagram of architecture, turn in requirements –These requirements will be graded. If you’re not ready, get them to me by Friday. –For architecture What are the pieces? How do you anticipate assigning them to people? What are the resulting interactions What is a reasonable schedule for integration and deliverables? Plan

3 CSE 436 Software Engineering Workshop Waterfall Model What is it? Describe the 5 steps (next slide)

4 CSE 436 Software Engineering Workshop Waterfall Model Communication Planning Modeling Construction Deployment

5 CSE 436 Software Engineering Workshop Waterfall Model Discussion –Advantages –Disadvantages

6 CSE 436 Software Engineering Workshop RAD–Rapid Application Deployment Explain the diagram below For what kinds of projects is it useful? Communication Planning DesignConstruction DesignConstruction DesignConstruction Deployment

7 CSE 436 Software Engineering Workshop RAD drawbacks Discussion –Advantages –Disadvantages

8 CSE 436 Software Engineering Workshop Prototyping Model Communication Quick plan Quick design Construction of prototype Deployment, delivery, feedback Explain the diagram below

9 CSE 436 Software Engineering Workshop Prototyping Model Discussion –Advantages –Disadvantages

10 CSE 436 Software Engineering Workshop Architecture What are the pieces? –Block diagram –Interconnection of parts What’s a likely development schedule for the parts? –Partial order –Integration schedule Which parts will be assigned to the same person? –How did you decide who would do what? What are the resulting interactions? –How will they be facilitated? –How will they be managed?

11 CSE 436 Software Engineering Workshop Exodus Simulation User input (census data), population distribution, mode Big box –Build initial representation of the graph (initialize) –Manipuliation of centralized data structures Where every car is How quickly each road is moving –Visualizing output (state dump) (reporting) –Event modeling system (simulate reality) Takes in central structures, outputs central structures –Communication piece w/ algorithm group (get directions) –Comm piece produces state information back to the algorithms group Visitor Car ID Need interaction diagram

12 CSE 436 Software Engineering Workshop Exodus Algorithm Interface from sim –Mode (slow or quick) Control script –Slow algorithm –Fast algorithm Database for recording results –For memoization Output interface to sim, provides directions

13 CSE 436 Software Engineering Workshop VDF API Box of Shapes and Geometry tools Internal Board Model (Javga 2D?) Board update box VDF server –Drives simulator –Drives the actual dance floor Shape collisions?

14 CSE 436 Software Engineering Workshop ElecTech Web –Admin Set up election Run election when ready –Voter Database –Aggregates preferences –Offers standard interface like JDBC Authenticate – outside agent Evaluator –Pulls ballots from DB –Evaluator computes a vote –Pushes logging information on socket Visualizer—outside agent Interface between yourself and evaluator

15 CSE 436 Software Engineering Workshop Architecture SRDD –Go over parts –Write up for Friday meetings

16 CSE 436 Software Engineering Workshop Spiral Model credit What’s missing from this slide?

17 CSE 436 Software Engineering Workshop Spiral Model Like Prototype model –Acknowledges need for iteration But –Heavier use of the 5 steps –Concrete products spun out in each cycle Specification Prototype Beta Final

18 CSE 436 Software Engineering Workshop Unified Process (UP) Model Spiral Defined work products Phases –Inception Communication and Planning –Elaboration Planning and Modeling (design) –Construction As before –Transition Construction and deployment –Production Is the increment of software produced

19 CSE 436 Software Engineering Workshop UP Inception –Vision document –Project plan –Business model Elaboration –Use cases –Preliminary design –Risk identification –Project planning

20 CSE 436 Software Engineering Workshop UP Construction –Architecture –Test plan –Documentation Transition –Delivered software –Beta test reports –User feedback

21 CSE 436 Software Engineering Workshop Summary so far Models limited or focus on static work products Don’t adapt well to changing circumstances or requirements that evolve Next week: Agile Development Models

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