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Healthcare Professionals Commissioning Network 13 th December 2011 1.

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1 Healthcare Professionals Commissioning Network 13 th December 2011 1

2 Context Engaging and connecting the wider community of multi- professional clinical practitioners is critical to delivering effective clinical commissioning Commissioning group leaders will need to mobilise primary care, secondary care, social care, public health and third sector professionals Clinicians will need to gain skills, expertise and confidence in commissioning and to think and behave differently The development of a vibrant and connected clinical commissioning community will be one way to support commissioning groups and the wider clinical community to achieve this 2

3 The Clinical Commissioning Community (CCC) The CCC provides an inclusive, virtual space for anyone who is, or wants to be involved with clinical commissioning Through this work we will: strengthen the implementation of clinical commissioning bring increased capacity and focus to key areas such as quality, innovation, productivity and prevention support the development and capture of learning in a systematic way ultimately see clinical commissioning rapidly established as a part of every day practice in primary care 3

4 The CCC offer The offer is to: provide clinicians across the country with a simple means of connecting with each other, accessing the latest information and good practice and coming together as a community of experts who can support national work being undertaken to develop clinical commissioning keep the frontline clinical community directly informed of developments in the system and provide a real time communication system that connects clinicians and clinical commissioning groups in an interactive way 4

5 National Clinical Commissioning Community Clinical Leaders Network Local Government Networks Patient Networks ` National Clinical Commissioning Network Pharmacists Optometrists and opticians Dentists Social Care Nurses The Healthcare Professionals Commissioning Network Secondary care AHPs Public health GPs Individuals from a range of professions and organisations The NCCN is an example of how a group of champions connect to other networks, cascade information, draw in soft intelligence and gather good practice. There are several in this room today who have already signed up to being “information gatherers”. NHS Networks is our platform. 5

6 HCPCN achievements “Multi professional involvement in commissioning: 10 high impact actions” signed up to by national networks Recommendations on draft CCG Authorisation - validated by amendments to the published framework Identification and sharing of good practice 13 HCPCN members now part of the National Clinical Commissioning Network as champions of clinical commissioning Over 400 members, 10% of whom are showing active involvement by being here today 6

7 The healthcare Professionals commissioning network (HCPCN) Our network has potential to: provide a coordinated route to a breadth of clinical advice which will save time and money by informing innovative and effective commissioning liberate and harness clinical intelligence at every level provide access to a broad range of healthcare professionals with a wide span of expertise that may not sit within commissioning structures provide a repository to capture accounts of healthcare Professionals’ service innovation and improvement as well as access to specialist advice 7

8 Expectations and Outcomes That we all see ourselves as active participants in the HCPCN and the CCC That we are all here because we are willing to take action personally to deliver the offer of the CCC and to enable the HCPCN to reach its full potential 8

9 At the end of the day we will have A core offer Each committed to deliver on actions that are achievable in 3 months Each exercised our own authority to act with endorsement from peers A process to review progress 9

10 Endorsement for HCPCN From Chief Officers: Barry Cockcroft - Chief Dental Officer Christine Beasley - Chief Nursing Officer Jonathan Mason - National Clinical Director of Pharmacy Karen Middleton - Chief Health Professions Officer “I am clear in my mind that the Healthcare Professionals Commissioning Network (HCPCN), which inputs to the National Clinical Commissioning Network, is going to be crucial to ensuring commissioning decisions are informed by the very best clinical advice.” Karen Middleton 10

11 "It is great that you are all here under the umbrella of the Healthcare Professionals Commissioning Network. Creating a clinically-led commissioning system starts with the practice and then clinical commissioning groups are the organisations that bring together healthcare professionals from across local communities. All of you have a critical contribution to make as we create a system in which decisions are clinically-led and where we capture the evidence that will drive real improvements in outcomes for our patients and citizens. "We must innovate to create truly integrated and productive services and will do that by bringing together commissioners with clinical experts and providers, to harness the intelligence of all healthcare professionals in commissioners’ decision making. This is why it is commendable that this group is acting now on its ambition to help commissioning groups be the best they can be, in driving real improvement. Increased clinical inclusion and leadership is central to the new commissioning system and you have my full support as you work together today to determine how each of you will take the initiative locally, to bring others with you and get the best for our patients.“ Sir David Nicholson 11

12 Testing our offer When we are delivering on the CCC offer, the HCPCN (we) will ………. provide a coordinated route to a breadth of clinical advice which will save time and money by informing innovative and effective commissioning liberate and harness clinical intelligence at every level provide access to a broad range of healthcare professionals with a wide span of expertise that may not sit within commissioning structures provide a repository to capture accounts of healthcare Professionals’ service innovation and improvement as well as access to specialist advice 12

13 Process Future focus Refining and capturing themes Selecting which theme you have most energy to take action upon Identifying barriers and solutions Signing up to individual action ‘Speed dating’ Collating and sharing all actions Review process 13

14 Ground rules Take responsibility for managing time Keep the group moving forward Accept every idea as valid Own your own action plans It’s all about you – avoid giving an action to someone who is not in the room Refine actions to those that are achievable within 3 months 14

15 Creating the future It is December 2012. The HCPCN is successfully delivering its core offer. ‘In December 2012, the successful HCPCN is………’ Complete with as many short sentences as you can, describing what the network is doing, how it is used and how it is viewed by its users 15

16 Run around………! 10 minutes to move about the room with your 3 statements Stick your post-its on the wall next to others which share the same/similar theme Continue to sort the themes until the time runs out 16

17 Taking personal authority Walk around the room and survey the clusters of issues Which of these themes are you willing to use your personal authority to move forward? Stand next to this theme 17

18 18

19 Translating aspiration into action Agree on a final summary statement of the outcome (10 mins) Write this on a blank piece of flip chart Move onto identifying any barriers to be removed and write barriers on flip chart under the summary statement (20 mins) Identify the first few actions to resolve barriers/achieve the outcome (30 mins) Actions must be achievable in 3 months The only actions that can be taken are by those in the room who agree to take them! If it essential to engage someone not in the room, then the action can only be ‘arrange a discussion with….’) Actions are summarised by the group on flip chart. 19

20 Signing up to action 20 mins to discuss and agree on individual sign-up to specific actions within your groups Create your own personal action plan - ‘Summary action sheet’: the agreed name of the theme the action you are going to take the time-scale for achieving it 20

21 Preparing for ‘speed dating’ Make sure your theme is visible on a flip chart Using blutac, stick all the action sheets around the theme so that everyone can see them. This will be the basis of this afternoon’s ‘speed dating’ 21

22 22

23 Choose… You now have 30 minutes to browse the flip charts around the room As you absorb the total offer of all participants, note down who you wish to meet to coordinate your actions with theirs or whose action might support yours When you’ve had a good chance to see all the flip charts, we will ask you to prioritise the people with whom you would like to have a conversation 23

24 …and book! You now have 15 minutes to find your top 3 people and to book dates with them into your summary action sheet Each of you have 5 x 10 minute slots on your summary action sheet - to include a brief coffee break at a time of your choice If your key contacts have no slots left by the time you find them, you will need to follow up with them after today – go onto the next person on your list All ‘summary action sheets’ will be collated and circulated after the meeting to enable you to contact other member of the network 24

25 Speed date now! Record any agreed actions on your action summary sheet Remember to have a 10 minute break! 25

26 Achievements so far 26 We have now agreed: HCPCN core offer most important themes individual commitment to deliver on actions that are achievable in 3 months

27 Collating the action plan and agreeing review process All summary action plans will be taken for copying and can be collected as you leave We will collate these into an over-arching HCPCN action plan to be circulated electronically to all members of the network with contact details so others not present at the meeting can engage 27 Now that you own this action plan, what process will you have to sustain the momentum? How are you willing to be held accountable and demonstrate that this is happening?

28 Consensus on a process for review 28

29 Feedback Something that worked well today Something we should do differently Something we should do in the future 29

30 Closing words 30

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