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Professional Development Tuesday, November 6, 2012.

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1 Professional Development Tuesday, November 6, 2012

2 But first…. Rebecca – United Way Kris – technology grants – closes 11/9 Kris – conferences – IAs available to enter work samples, find resources, bulletin boards, etc. Merilee – Crossler Conventions

3 Last time we met… The TAG team helped us build background in summary writing. We also held our MOU meeting –Contract data passed on to union –Leadership has identified ways to decrease workload (1 person/IEP, more parent help with field/activity days)

4 Why are we teaching writing? cpid1481971223001?bckey=AQ~~,AAAB VjfVIhE~,_RxIEUn5Y_VZ6lzhYw3l0vzG6g Ftu7jf&bctid=1549417216001 cpid1481971223001?bckey=AQ~~,AAAB VjfVIhE~,_RxIEUn5Y_VZ6lzhYw3l0vzG6g Ftu7jf&bctid=1549417216001


6 Lesson Plan & Anticipatory Set

7 Learning Target I can clearly articulate the elements of a content area summary.

8 Notice & Name Modeling the Activity for how to “Notice & Name” Goal: Use the same activity to make a poster for what you “Notice & Name” about a content area summary. “Name” the ELEMENTS of an exemplar content area summary. PLCs will each have a turn to share out

9 Learning Target I can clearly articulate the elements of a content area summary.

10 Closure

11 Assessment On an exit slip answer the following question: Why would this be an important activity to do with students when teaching summary writing?

12 Conventions: What are Crossler’s Must Haves? How to teach summary writing in my content? What should all Crossler summaries have? How do we Grade? –Rubrics? Leadership Identified the Following Needs for Future Discussion and PD:

13 Where are we going? November 30 – How do we teach students to write summaries from text? December 11 – feedback & scoring of summaries Teachers will bring student summary samples: 2 low, 2 medium, 2 good/exemplary

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