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Networks and Calibration Dr David Levy June 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Networks and Calibration Dr David Levy June 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Networks and Calibration Dr David Levy June 2014

2 Responsible officer New type of role Challenging 20% turnover in 13/14 2

3 Hospital Medical Directors 3 Describes the challenges being faced today

4 Top aspects of their role Quality Medical management Leadership 4

5 What personal development do MDs want 5

6 The RO Has responsibilities to: Receive a quality-assured yearly appraisal from all your medical staff Make revalidation recommendations for your doctors Have appropriate pre-employment checks Monitor the conduct and performance of medical staff and respond appropriately to concerns 6

7 Revalidation The Regional RO Independent verification of all DBs Responding to concerns Relationship with region 7

8 The RO Has responsibilities to: Receive a quality-assured yearly appraisal from all your medical staff Make revalidation recommendations for your doctors Have appropriate pre-employment checks Monitor the conduct and performance of medical staff and respond appropriately to concerns 8 How are you going to do all this? What is Quality Assured? How do I link this to organisational goals? What is an appropriate response? What happens if I don’t recommend a doctor?

9 What are you? Hawk or Dove? NHS | Presentation to [XXXX Company] | [Type Date]9

10 Getting it right? What are the thresholds? What are the levers? What works well? 10

11 RO Networks- can offer:- 11

12 Improving your Network James Quinn June 2014

13 Your network - What works well? - What could be improved? Size of meeting (0-20,20-50,50+) Membership (ROs, deputies, revalidation managers) Frequency of meeting Networking opportunity Update presentations – NHS England, GMC, Written/email updates Large plenary discussions Small group working Professional facilitator

14 Calibration Colin Pollock June 2014

15 RO Networks & Calibration Framework of Quality Assurance Calibration, Consistency, Learning and Best Practice In addition to the national policies for medical appraisal and responding to concerns, there are a number of mechanisms in place to drive consistency of decision-making, approach and thresholds for intervention on the part of responsible officers, appraisers and case investigators. The aim is to ensure that every doctor, regardless of sector, grade or location in the country, goes through a process, which is demonstrably aligned with agreed national standards.

16 RO Networks & Calibration Framework of Quality Assurance: Calibration, Consistency, Learning and Best Practice (c’td) The mechanisms driving a consistent approach include: mandatory engagement with responsible officer networks at which cases are discussed and responses calibrated. These conform to a nationally agreed structure, as set out in the Responsible Officer Network Blueprint. regional and national events for responsible officers, appraisers and case investigators designed specifically to calibrate decision- making and thresholds for intervention

17 RO Networks & Calibration  Using case studies as one means of calibration  Different types of case studies in Responding to concerns Revalidation issues Mixed cases  Real life vs made-up scenarios  Experience from RO Networks so far?

18 RO Networks & Calibration From your own experience in RO networks:  How do you find the usefulness or otherwise of case study discussion as a way of calibrating your own day to day decisions?  What factors enable an effective / useful discussion?  What factors hinder such discussion?  How can RO networks be organised so as encourage a wider contribution from ROs on their real life issues?

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