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Developing Nottingham’s LAA Jeanelle de Gruchy and Chris Nield Health Equality, Nottingham City PCT.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Nottingham’s LAA Jeanelle de Gruchy and Chris Nield Health Equality, Nottingham City PCT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Nottingham’s LAA Jeanelle de Gruchy and Chris Nield Health Equality, Nottingham City PCT

2 Objectives of session LAA indicator issues LAA partnership working issues Effective indicators

3 SMART Indicators Specific – mental health (support to people known to mental health services) Measurable – mental health (DSH) Achievable – prevalence (smoking, physical activity, alcohol) Relevant – physical activity cf. statins Timed – 1996/97 or 2005? 6 monthly or at the end of 3 years?

4 Measurement Outcome vs process (quitters v. prevalence) Definitions (obesity, PA) Baselines – expense and time measuring (PA) Perverse incentives (mental health employment; CHD – statins v. PA) –Time-scale – needing to show results in 3 years (easier to argue for older people CHD cf. young people and obesity) –Inequalities – overall numbers vs. targetted

5 LAAs in partnership Accountability – it ’ s a political process –Consultation with partner organisations –Conflicting guidance – GOEM, City Council, SHA, ODPM guidance document (eg what is a ‘ stretch ’ ) –Lead organisation control (driven by performance management) –Some lack of understanding of NHS organisation drivers / performance management / limited focus on public health (and limited capacity!) Understanding of health / health outcomes –Valuing professional/technical expertise Is 0.5 of a fruit ‘ unambitious ’ ?

6 Negotiating indicators Time scale to negotiate –Community consultation –Iterative process, but difficult to ensure all kept on board with the process Blocks and cross-cutting issues –Alcohol – crime or medical … ? –Infant mortality (technical expertise) Prioritisation / nos. of indicators allowed –Lobbying by interest groups (avoidable injury; supporting young parents)

7 Effective indicators A health priority (national / local target) Evidence base Build on reality of local situation Be creative – the reality is it needs to be measured –balance between routinely available info – but may need to survey. Particularly NB as we develop our stretch targets

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