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Cenex Centre of excellence for low carbon and fuel cell technologies Low emission vehicle demonstration October 7 th 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Cenex Centre of excellence for low carbon and fuel cell technologies Low emission vehicle demonstration October 7 th 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cenex Centre of excellence for low carbon and fuel cell technologies Low emission vehicle demonstration October 7 th 2010

2 Running projects and programmes focused on accelerating the deployment of low carbon vehicles –Managing low carbon vehicle procurement –Overseeing fleet demonstration activities to trial and test new low carbon vehicles and fuels –Delivering fleet carbon reduction –Disseminating low carbon developments to key stakeholders Cenex clients include: Introduction to Cenex

3 Hydrogen Vehicles Vehicles Birmingham, Loughborough and Stornoway Infrastructure Sheffield, Bedford, Surrey, Glamorgan Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Vehicles Newcastle, Glasgow, Leeds, Gateshead, Perth & Kinross, Liverpool, Nottingham, Birmingham, Wakefield, Doncaster, London, Warwick, Coventry, Hackney, Sheffield, Camden and Islington Infrastructure Birmingham, Westminster, Greenwich, Camden, Hackney, Coventry, Manchester airport, East midlands airport, Barnet, Stockton-on-Tees Bio-methane Vehicles London, Leeds and Middlesex Infrastructure Sheffield, Glamorgan, Milton Keynes, Barnsley, Andover Cenex low carbon vehicle projects in the UK

4 Introduction to the trial – 2009/2010 Four smart ‘fortwo’ electric vehicles were deployed in the North East of England, aims: –Increase exposure of electric vehicles –Collect data for analysis and dissemination Four regional vehicle hubs were created for deployment to –Eight public sector fleets –Two private sector fleets –Three public drive events Users selected through prequalification questionnaire

5 Qualitative data –Fleet users questionnaire –Fleet mangers questionnaire –Public drive events questionnaire Quantitative data –Telemetry system installed Trial - Data collection systems

6 10 Public and Private fleets, good return rate Fleet users rate EV performance as good (=4) Highest score in environmental factors OrganisationsNumber of drivers Questionnaire returns 10195113 (58% return rate) 58 % of fleet users felt more positive about EV’s after participating in the trial 83% of fleet users in their 20s had positive opinion shift Trial – Fleet user assessment questionnaire

7 Users rate EV charging experience as good (=4) and charging easy and intuitive Private fleets rate availability and safety lower than public fleets (no access to dedicated infrastructure?) Charging at work dominated charging events Four councils had access to recharging posts Trial - Charging assessment

8 Charge management assessment shows the vehicle charging was generally well managed, but some room for improvement exists Trial – Recharging behavior But 34% of users thought there wasn’t enough charge on occasion 95% of users state vehicles always or normally have sufficient charge for the intended journey Private fleets were less vigilant at opportunity charging and had more instances of users being concerned about range

9 Trial - Fleet manager’s assessment Motivation for trial involvement To meet the organisation’s green aspirations Good opportunity to trial EVs Hope to incorporate EVs into future operations Main barriers to incorporating EVs into your fleet? Range and purchase price Lack of infrastructure was not perceived as a barrier to fleet integration Opinion change of electric vehicles 88% of fleet managers felt more positive about incorporating electric vehicle into their fleet after trial participation Similar trend to fleet users 50% of organisations installed their own charging posts for the trial Only 1 in 6 fleet managers concerned about ‘limited public recharging infrastructure’

10 Trial - Range and CO 2 Data logged over 100 journeys Jan/Feb 2010 Average range 72.4 km emitting 82.3 gCO 2 /km Range varied +/- 40 km depending on operating conditions

11 Consumed 2.13 kWh, regenerated 0.210 kWh (9%) Average regeneration rate for all logged journeys was 11.3% Regeneration performance recovery varied from 4 to 29% Frequent stop-starts representative of congested traffic flow allowing numerous small regeneration events Larger regeneration available, representative of coast down or braking after higher speed operation Battery SoC reduces significantly during prolonged high power operations. Trial - Regeneration performance

12 Trial - Range anxiety 4.8 km average journey length 100% of journeys are achievable with a starting charge of 50% Users begin to modify their driving style at journey end State of Charge (SoC) reduces to 50% 55 % of journeys were less than 5 km. The average journey length was 4.8 km The maximum journey length is 17.8 km. This represents only 46% of the minimum extrapolated range observed during the trial, or 25% of the average range 93 percent of journeys are started with above 50% SoC Driving efficiency improves for journeys ending at a low SoC

13 Trial continues this FY Focus on long residency case studies with private fleets New Generation Li-Ion vehicles (iMIEV and smart fortwo) Technical research on vehicle behaviour Traffic interactions Regeneration Battery health Laboratory and test track analysis Dissemination event Nov 2010 Full results April 2011 Trial next steps – 2010/2011

14 Smart move trial report Camden biomethane trial report Feasibility study for the installation of a regional AD facility producing biomethane as a road transport fuel Cenex smart electric drive study Waste fleet analysis Cenex biomethane toolkit and calculator Cenex resources : Downloads @ New reports for 09/10 Renewable hydrogen trial with Royal Mail Biomethane RCV trial with Leeds CC Smart move - 7 Li-ion electric vehicles long term fleet deployments Regional hydrogen capabilities study LCVPP and ULCVDP dissemination

15 Fleet carbon reduction guidance A multi-part guidance document for the fleet operator Built on Cenex’s experience trialling low carbon vehicles Cenex Fleet carbon reduction

16 Fleet carbon reduction guidance Part 1 – Presenting a step-by-step approach Cenex Fleet carbon reduction

17 Fleet carbon reduction guidance Part 2 – Examining low carbon vehicle technology Cenex Fleet carbon reduction

18 Fleet carbon reduction guidance Part 3 – Case studies, building on experience Cenex Fleet carbon reduction

19 Fleet carbon reduction tool A new fleet simulation package built to provide accurate predictions of the carbon and cost impact of introducing low carbon vehicles Cost-effective answers to questions like these –What types of low carbon vehicles are out there? –How will these vehicles perform in my application, which types are appropriate for my fleet, and what are the limitations? –What is the whole life cost of low carbon vehicles, and by how much will they really reduce my carbon emissions? Fleet carbon reduction tool Cenex Fleet carbon reduction

20 Fleet carbon reduction tool Delivering an accurate estimation of the carbon reduction and economic impact of different transport fuels and technology options, modelling Vehicles Powertrains Duty cycles. Current fleet is characterised and input into the simulation to ensure baseline accuracy, then outcomes of low carbon vehicle deployment scenarios are examined. Tool outputs have been validated against the large amounts of real-world data collected by Cenex during its own vehicle trials. Tool operated by Cenex engineers experienced in low carbon vehicles. Cenex Fleet carbon reduction

21 Conclusions Smart Move – in-depth analysis of electric vehicle deployment – on going study. Cenex has significant on-going low carbon vehicle project activity –Publically funded trials are published to disseminate learning –Reports available from Cenex has launched a two step approach to fleet carbon reduction The Cenex fleet carbon reduction guidance –A multi-part, decision support guide for the fleet operators planning carbon reduction The Cenex fleet carbon reduction tool –A new fleet simulation package built to provide accurate predictions of the carbon and cost impact of introducing low carbon vehicles

22 Thank you for your attention

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