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A Tour of Hudson Prairie The Hudson Prairie Elementary School second graders took the Swedish kids on a tour of our school.

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Presentation on theme: "A Tour of Hudson Prairie The Hudson Prairie Elementary School second graders took the Swedish kids on a tour of our school."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Tour of Hudson Prairie The Hudson Prairie Elementary School second graders took the Swedish kids on a tour of our school.

2 Welcome to Hudson Prairie  Dsdddddddddddddddd This is Simon, Jack’s pen pal, at the entrance to our school.

3 This is Gustav, pen pal of Hunter S., by our music room’s bulletin board in our hallway. Students in our school are learning songs in languages around the world. Our Hallway

4 Artwork in the Hallway This is Filip, pen pal of Hunter S., by the artwork we made for our bulletin board in the hallway. The yellow words tell about the ways a tree is a plant.

5 This is Isak, Chase’s pen pal, by a Halloween decoration. We celebrate Halloween on October 31 by dressing in scary and fun costumes, going to neighbors’ houses to get candy, and having parties with families and friends. Halloween Artwork

6 This is Alicia, Ania’s pen pal, by the listening center in our classroom. Our Classroom Listening Center

7 This is Lisa, Hailey’s pen pal, inside Hailey’s desk where the students keep their pencils, paper, and books. Student Desk

8 This is Nelia, Caleia’s pen pal, at our Wonder Spot. Those are seeds and gourds that we gathered for learning about plants. Our Wonder Spot

9 Our Library This is Fred, Ben’s pen pal by the chapter books in our library. This is Lucas, Luke’s pen pal in our school library.

10 This is Alva, Lilly’s pen pal, in our TV studio. Each day, a group of fifth graders makes a news program for the whole to school to watch. TV Studio

11 Computer Lab This is Emil, pen pal of Hunter M., in our computer lab.

12 Music Room This is Lucas, Noah’s pen pal, by the instruments in our music room.

13 Art Classroom This is Max, Noah’s pen pal, in our art room.

14 Door to Our Gym This is Noel, Murphy’s pen pa,l at the door to our gymnasium.

15 This is Love, Kayla’s pen pal, in our speech teacher’s classroom. That is a trampoline and a swing! Our Speech Room

16 This is Jonathan, Julia’s pen pal, at our lunch computer. Each kid has a different account number to pay for their lunch food. Cafeteria

17 This is Nora, Rowan’s pen pal by the food in our lunch line. Those are green beans on the left and salad, carrots, and other vegetables on the right. Cafeteria

18 This is Robin, Oliver’s pen pal by the silverware table in our cafeteria. Our Cafeteria

19 This is Oliver, Oliver’s pen pal in our school’s cafeteria. We can choose where to sit, and we have a peanut-free table for kids who have allergies. Cafeteria

20 This is Alicia, Natalie’s, pen pal, on the bed in our nurse’s office, where we go when we feel sick. Nurse’s Office

21 This is Victor, Devin’s pen pal just outside our principal’s office. Principal’s Office

22 This is Rut, Marissa’s pen pal, at our school’s Lost and Found, where kids can look for their lost hats, mittens, and coats. Lost and Found

23 Garden This is Jonna, Brooklyn’s pen pal, by the tree in our school garden. This is Ella, Ava’s pen pal, by the bridge in the our school garden.

24 The Playground This is Jonna, Brooklyn’s pen pal, by the slide on our playground.

25 Thank you for touring Hudson Prairie Elementary School! We hope it was fun to see our school. It is fun to have you here with us!

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