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Library Orientation for HIV/AIDS: Cultural, Social, and Scientific Aspects of the Pandemic Thursday, October 22, 2015 Vince Graziano Sexuality Studies.

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Presentation on theme: "Library Orientation for HIV/AIDS: Cultural, Social, and Scientific Aspects of the Pandemic Thursday, October 22, 2015 Vince Graziano Sexuality Studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Library Orientation for HIV/AIDS: Cultural, Social, and Scientific Aspects of the Pandemic Thursday, October 22, 2015 Vince Graziano Sexuality Studies Librarian LIBRARIES

2 Workshop Outline  Finding books  CLUES (library catalogue)  Finding articles  Academic Search Complete  LGBT Life with Full Text  Gender Studies Database  ARTbibliographies Modern  PubMed  Finding videos

3 Selecting the right database:  Guides  List of databases  Research Guides  Ex: HIV/AIDS Research Guide  Ex: Sexuality Studies Research Guide  Ex: Art History Research Guide  Question: which discipline(s) covers my topic area?  Ask at the Reference desk

4 Search Operators  ANDHIV AND activism  OReducation OR prevention  NOTmedia NOT television  “ ”“AIDS Disease”  *activis*  () (HIV OR “AIDS Disease”) AND (teen* OR youth OR adolescen*)

5 Major Databases  Academic Search Complete  multidisciplinary  LGBT Life with Full Text  Gender Studies Database  women's & men's studies, sexual diversity  SocINDEX  sociology  ARTbibliographies Modern  20 th century art  ERIC  education  PsycINFO  Psychology  PubMed  Medicine

6 Major Databases: Subject Headings  Academic Search Complete  Use: HIV or AIDS Disease in Subject Terms  LGBT Life with Full Text  Use: HIV or AIDS Disease in Subject Terms  Gender Studies Database  Use: HIV or AIDS Disease in Subject Terms  SocINDEX  Use: HIV or AIDS Disease in Subject Terms  ARTbibliographies Modern  Use: AIDS in Subject/Artist  ERIC  Use: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome  PsycINFO  Use: HIV or AIDS in SU Subject  PubMed  Use: HIV or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

7 More Databases  Canadian  Canadian Periodical Index  ProQuest CBCA Complete  Repère (Québec French-language)  Newspapers  New York Times (1851-2012)  Globe & Mail (1844-2012)  Times Digital Archive (1785-2009)  Canadian Newsstand Major Dailies  Factiva  Full text of current international newspapers  Eureka  French-language Quebec and international newspapers

8 To Find the Full Text 1. Use the feature 2. Search CLUES Perform a Journal Title search 3. Check other Montreal libraries Use your BCI card 4. Request an Interlibrary Loan (COLOMBO) Online form Allow 1 week for delivery of books Electronic delivery for most articles within 24-48 hours

9 Article Delivery Service  Articles from print or microform periodicals can be scanned and sent to you as a PDF attachment via e-mail  Delivery Time  2 working days  Online form:  Library website  At the bottom of a CLUES page  Login with MyConcordia Netname

10 Help is Available  At the Reference Desk  HIV/AIDS Research Guide  Ask a Librarian  E-mail form  Chat with a Librarian  Ask Vince:  514-848-2424, ext. 7689   Office hours: by appointment


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