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(All images from Google Images) Effective Use of Visual Aids.

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Presentation on theme: "(All images from Google Images) Effective Use of Visual Aids."— Presentation transcript:

1 (All images from Google Images) Effective Use of Visual Aids

2 Richard St John’s Success is a Continuous Journey (All images from Google Images)

3 Visual Aids  Design  Technique (All images from Google Images)


5 Design  Keep it short and simple – main points and key words / visuals / numbers  Do not clutter – white space is important  PPT slides complement the presentation - not replacing the presenter (All images from Google Images)

6 Design  Be consistent – colour scheme, contrast, text size, syntax  Be relevant – choice and quality of visuals (All images from Google Images)

7 Design  Pay attention to your words  Always edit (All images from Google Images)

8 Techniques Prepare the deck of PPT slides as you structure content  Explain and elaborate on content while animating key words / visuals / figures  Signpost between key points, slides and sections  Include gestures and smiles in the practice  Time your practice  Edit organization of content, if needed, as you practise  Keep rehearsing using the finalized deck of PPT slides  Rehearse with an audience, where possible

9 Good Practices  During the presentation:  Have a copy of the PPT slides to refer  Reveal the content progressively (animate)  Always face the audience and present  Refer to visuals periodically for emphasis (not to read)  Signpost consistently (All images from Google Images)

10 Good Practices  During the presentation:  Don’t distribute anything  Don’t block anyone’s view  Speak on a new point before showing the slide  Maintain eye contact with different groups of audience (All images from Google Images)

11 Before the event  Before the presentation:  Check all visuals / audio equipment  Check lines of sight  If possible, arrive at the venue at least an hour earlier  Stand at the place where you will be speaking.  Randomly choose one point from your speech and start speaking as if in front of a live audience.  Befriend someone from the audience – a friendly face in the audience calms the nerves

12 Presentation Skills Tip: Anyone can do this (All images from Google Images)

13 A successful speech is created through 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration (All images from Google Images)

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