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Data Abstractions EECE 310: Software Engineering.

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1 Data Abstractions EECE 310: Software Engineering

2 Learning Objectives Define data abstractions and list their elements Write the abstraction function (AF) and representation invariant (RI) of a data abstraction Prove that the RI is maintained and that the implementation matches the abstraction (i.e., AF) Enumerate common mistakes in data abstractions and learn how to avoid them Design equality methods for mutable and immutable data types

3 Data Abstraction Introduction of a new type in the language – Type can be abstract or concrete – Has one of more constructors and operations – Type can be used like a language type Both the code and the data associated with the type is encapsulated in the type definition – No need to expose the representation to clients – Prevents clients from depending on implementation

4 Isn’t this OOP ? NO, though OOP is a way to implement ADTs – OOP is a way of organizing programs into classes and objects. Data abstraction is a way of introducing new types ADTs with meanings. – Encapsulation is a goal shared by both. But data abstraction is more than just creating classes. – In Java, every data abstraction can be implemented by a class declaration. But every class declaration is not a data abstraction.

5 Elements of a Data Abstraction The abstraction specification should: – Name the data type – List its operations – Describe the data abstraction in English – Specify a procedural abstraction for each operation Public vs. Private – The abstraction only lists the public operations – There may be other private procedures inside…

6 Example: IntSet Consider a IntSet Data type that we wish to introduce in the language. It needs to have: – Constructors to create the data-type from scratch or from other data types (e.g., lists, IntSets) – Operations include insert, remove, size and isIn – A specification of what the data type represents – Internal representation of the data type

7 IntSet Abstraction public class IntSet { //OVERVIEW: IntSets are mutable, unbounded sets of integers. // A typical IntSet is {x 1, …x n }, where x i are all integeres // Constructors public IntSet(); //EFFECTS: Initializes this to be the empty set // Mutators public void insert (int x); // MODIFIES: this // EFFECTS: adds x to the set this, i.e, this_post = this  {x} public void remove (int x); // MODIFIES: this // EFFECTS: this_post = this - {x} //Observers public boolean IsIn(int x); // EFFECTS: returns true if x  this, false otherwise public int size(); // EFFECTS: Returns the cardinality of this }

8 Group Activity Consider the Polynomial data-type below. Write the specifications for its methods. public class Poly { public Poly(int c, int n) throws NegException; public Poly add(Poly p) throws NPException; public Poly mul(Poly p) throws NPException; public Poly minus(); public int degree(); }

9 Learning Objectives Define data abstractions and list their elements Write the abstraction function (AF) and representation invariant (RI) of a data abstraction Prove that the RI is maintained and that the implementation matches the abstraction (i.e., AF) Enumerate common mistakes in data abstractions and learn how to avoid them Design equality methods for mutable and immutable data types

10 Abstraction Versus Representation Abstraction: External view of a data type Representation: Internal variables to represent the data within a type (e.g., arrays, vectors, lists) Abstraction Representation { 1, 2, 3 } 1 2 3 1 3 2 rep objects abstract objects

11 Example: Representation Vector directly holds the set elements – if integer e is in the set, there exists 0 <= i < N, such that elems[i] = e Vector is a bitmap for denoting set elements – If integer i is in the set, then elems[i] = True, else elems[i] = False Vector ‘elems’ of size N to represent an IntSet 0N Can you tell how the representation maps to the abstraction ?

12 Abstraction Function Mathematical function to map the representation to the abstraction Captures designer’s intent in choosing the rep – How do the instance variables relate to the abstract object that they represent ? – Makes this mapping explicit in the code – Advantages: Code maintenance, debugging

13 IntSet: Abstraction Function Unsorted Array AF ( c ) = { c.elems[i].intValue 0 <= i < c.elems.size } Boolean Vector AF( c ) = { j | 0 <= j < 100 && c.elems[j] } The abstraction function is defined for concrete instances of the class ‘c’, and only includes the instance variables of the class. Further, it maps the elements of the representation to the abstraction.

14 Abstraction Function: Valid Rep The abstraction function implicitly assumes that the representation is valid for the class – What happens if the vector contains duplicate entries in the first scenario ? – What happens in the second scenario if the bitmap contains values other than 0 or 1 ? The AF holds only for valid representations. How do we know whether a representation is valid ?

15 Representation Invariant Captures formally the assumptions on which the abstraction function is based Representation must satisfy this at all times (except when executing the ADT’s methods) Defines whether a particular representation is valid – invariant satisfied only by valid reps.

16 IntSet: Representation Invariant Unsorted Arrays 1.c.elems =/= null && 2.c.elems has no null elements && 3. there are no duplicates in c.elems i.e., for 0<=i, j <N, c.elems[i].intValue = c.elems[j].intValue=> i = j. Boolean Vector 1. c.elements =/= null && 2. c.elements.size = maxValue NOTE: The types of the instance variables are NOT a part of the Rep Invariant. So there is not need to repeat what is there in the type signature.

17 Rep Invariant: Important Points Rep invariant always holds before and after the execution of the ADT’s operations – Can be violated while executing the ADT’s operations – Can be violated by private methods of the ADT How much shall the rep invariant constrain? – Just enough for different developers to implement different operations AND not talk to each other – Enough so that AF makes sense for the representation

18 AF and RI: How to implement ? RI: repOK Public method to check if the rep invariant holds Useful for testing/debugging public boolean repOK() { // EFFECTS: Returns true // if the rep invariant holds, // Returns false otherwise } AF: toString Public method to convert a valid rep to a String form Useful for debugging/printing public String toString( ) { // EFFECTS: Returns a string // containing the abstraction // represented by the rep.

19 Uses of RI and AF Documentation of the programmer’s thinking RepOK method can be called before and after every public method invocation in the ADT – Typically during debugging only toString method can be used both during debugging and in production Both the RI and AF can be used to formally prove the correctness of the ADT

20 Group Activity Assume that the Polynomial data type is represented as an array trms and a variable deg. The co-efficients of the term x i are stored in the i th element of trms array, and the variable deg represents the degree of the polynomial (i.e., its highest exponent). 1.Write its abstraction function 2.Write its rep-invariant

21 Learning Objectives Define data abstractions and list their elements Write the abstraction function (AF) and representation invariant (RI) of a data abstraction Prove that the RI is maintained and that the implementation matches the abstraction (i.e., AF) Enumerate common mistakes in data abstractions and learn how to avoid them Design equality methods for mutable and immutable data types

22 Reasoning about ADTs - 1 ADTs have state in the form of representation – Need to consider what happens over a sequence of operations on the abstraction – Correctness of one operation depends on correctness of previous operations – We need to reason inductively over the operations of the ADT Show that constructor is correct Show that each operation is correct

23 Reasoning about ADTs - 2 First, need to show that the rep invariant is maintained by the constructor & operations Then, show that the implementation of the abstraction matches the specification – Assume that the rep invariant is maintained – Use the abstraction function to map the representation to the abstraction

24 Why show that Rep Invariant is maintained ? Consider the implementation of the IntSet using the unsorted vector representation. We wish to compute the size of the set (i.e., its cardinality). public int size() { return elems.size(); } Is the above implementation correct ?

25 Why show that Rep Invariant is maintained ? Yes, but only if the Rep Invariant holds ! c.elems != Null && c.elems has no null elements && c.elems has no duplicates Otherwise, size can return a value >= cardinality public int size() { return elems.size(); }

26 Showing Rep Invariant is maintained: Data Type Induction Show that the constructor establishes the Rep Invariant For all other operations, Function Body Another Valid Rep A Valid Rep Assume at the time of the call the invariant holds for 1. this and 2. all argument objects of the type Demonstrate that the invariant holds on return for 1. this 2. all argument objects of the type 3. for returned objects of the type

27 IntSet : getIndex private int getIndex( int x ) { // EFFECTS: If x is in this, returns index // where x appears in the Vector elems // else return -1 (do NOT throw an exception) for (int i = 0; i < els.size( ); i ++ ) if ( x == elements.get(i).intValue() ) return i; return –1; } Assume that IntSet has the following private function. Note that private methods do not need to preserve the RI.

28 IntSet: Constructor public IntSet( ) { // EFFECTS: Initializes this to be empty elems = new Vector (); } RI: c.elems != NULL && c.elems has no null elements && c.elems has no duplicates Show that the RI is true at the end of the constructor Proof: When the constructor terminates, Clause 1 is satisfied because the elems vector is initialized by constructor Clause 2 is satisfied because elems has no elements (and hence no null elements) Clause 3 is satisfied because elems has no elements (and hence no duplicates)

29 IntSet: Insert public void insert (int x) { // MODIFIES: this // EFFECTS: adds x to the set such that this_post = this u {x} if ( getIndex(x) < 0 ) elems.add( new Integer(x) ); } Show that if RI holds at the beginning, it holds at the end. RI: c.elems != NULL && c.elems has no null elements && c.elems has no duplicates Proof: If clause 1 holds at the beginning, it holds at the end of the procedure. - Because c.elems is not changed by the procedure. If clause 2 holds at the beginning, it holds at the end of the procedure - Because it adds a non-null reference to c.elems If clause 3 holds at the beginning, it holds at the end of the procedure - Because getIndex() prevents duplicate elements from being added to the vector

30 IntSet:Remove pubic void remove(int x) { // MODIFIES: this // EFFECTS: this_post = this - {x} int i = getIndex(x); if (i < 0) return; // Not found elems.set(i, elems.lastElement() ); elems.remove(elems.size() – 1); } RI: c.elems != NULL && c.elems has no null elements && c.elems has no duplicates Show that if RI holds at the beginning, it holds at the end.

31 IntSet: Observers public int size() { return elems.size(); } public boolean isIn(int x) { return getIndex(x) >= 0; } RI: c.elems != NULL && c.elems has no null elements && c.elems has no duplicates Show that if RI holds at the beginning, it holds at the end. This completes the proof that the RI holds in the ADT. In other words, given any sequence of operations in the ADT, the RI always holds at the beginning and end of this sequence.

32 Group Activity Consider the implementation of the Polynomial Datatype described earlier (also on the code handout sheet) Show using data-type induction that the Rep Invariant is preserved

33 Are we done ? Thus, we have shown that the RI is established by the constructor and holds for each operation (i.e., if RI is true at the beginning, it is true at the end). Can we stop here ? No. To see why not, consider an implementation of the operators that does nothing. Such an implementation will satisfy the rep invariant, but is clearly wrong !!! To complete the proof, we need to show that the Abstraction provided by the ADT is correct. For this, we use the (now proven) fact that the RI holds and use the AF to show that the rep satisfies the AF’s abstraction after each operation.

34 Abstraction Function: IntSet Show that the implementation matches the ADT’s specification (i.e., its abstraction) Function Implementation Pre-Rep Post- Rep Pre-Abstraction Post-Abstraction Function Spec Abstraction function Given: Prove that:

35 Abstraction Function: Constructor AF ( c ) = { c.elems[i].intValue | 0 <= i < c.elems.size } public IntSet( ) { // EFFECTS: Initializes this to be empty elems = new Vector () ; } Empty vector Empty Set AF Proof: Constructor creates an empty set, so it is correct.

36 Abstraction Function: Size AF ( c ) = { c.elems[i].intValue | 0 <= i < c.elems.size } public int size() { // EFFECTS: Returns the cardinality of this return elems.size( ); } Number of elements in vector Cardinality of the set (Why ?) Proof: Because the rep invariant guarantees that there are no duplicates in the vector, the number of elements in the vector denotes the cardinality of the set. AF

37 Abstraction Function: Insert AF ( c ) = { c.elems[i].intValue | 0 <= i < c.elems.size } public void insert (int x) { // MODIFIES: this // EFFECTS: adds x to the set // such that this_post = this U {x} if ( getIndex(x) < 0 ) elems.add(new Integer(x)); } Vector with element added if and only if it did not already exist this_post = this U {x} Vectorthis AF Implementation

38 Abstraction Function: Remove AF ( c ) = { c.elems[i].intValue| 0 <= i < c.elems.size } public void remove (int x) { // MODIFIES: this // EFFECTS: this_post = this - {x} int i = getIndex(x); if (i < 0) return; // Not found // Move last element to the index i elems.set(i, elems.lastElement() ); elems.remove(elems.size() – 1); } Vector with first instance of element removed if it exists this_post = this - {x} Vectorthis

39 Abstraction Function: IsIn public boolean isIn(int x) { // EFFECTS: Returns true if x belongs to // this, false otherwise return getIndex(x) > 0; } AF ( c ) = { c.elems[i].intValue| 0 <= i < c.elems.size } vectorthis True if and only if x is present in the vector True if x belongs to this, False otherwise

40 Proof Summary This completes the proof. Thus, we’ve shown that the ADT implements it spec correcltly. This method is called “Data type induction”, because it proceeds using induction. – Step 0: Write the implementation of the ADT – Step 1: Show that the RI is maintained by the ADT – Step 2: Assuming that the RI is maintained, show using the AF that the translation from the rep to the abstraction matches the method’s spec.

41 Group Activity Consider the implementation of the Polynomial Datatype described earlier (also on the code handout sheet) Show that the ADT’s implementation matches its specification assuming that the RI holds.

42 Learning Objectives Define data abstractions and list their elements Write the abstraction function (AF) and representation invariant (RI) of a data abstraction Prove that the RI is maintained and that the implementation matches the abstraction (i.e., AF) Enumerate common mistakes in data abstractions and learn how to avoid them Design equality methods for mutable and immutable data types

43 Exposing the Rep Note that the proof we just wrote assumes that the only way you can modify the representation is through its operations – Otherwise Rep invariant can be violated Is this always true ? – What if you expose the representation outside the class, so that any outside entity can change it ?

44 Mistakes that lead to exposing the rep - 1 Making rep components public public class IntSet { public Vector elements; Your rep must always be private. Otherwise, all bets are off. Hopefully, your code will not have this bug ….

45 Mistakes that lead to exposing the rep - 2 public class IntSet { //OVERVIEW: IntSets are mutable, unbounded sets of integers. // A typical IntSet is {x 1, …x n } private Vector elems; // no duplicates in vector public Vector allElements (){ //EFFECTS: Returns a vector containing the elements of this, // each exactly once, in arbitrary order return elems; } }; intSet = new IntSet(); intSet.allElements().add( new Integer(5) ); intSet.allElements().add( new Integer(5) ); // RI violated – duplicates !

46 Mistakes that lead to exposing the rep - 3 public class IntSet { //OVERVIEW: IntSets are mutable, unbounded sets of integers. // A typical IntSet is {x 1, …x n } private Vector elems; //constructors public IntSet (Vector els) throws NullPointerException { //EFFECTS: If els is null, throws NullPointerException, else // initializes this to contain as elements all the ints in els. if (els == null) throw new NullPointerException(); elems = els; } }; Vector someVector = new Vector(); intSet = new IntSet(someVector); someVector.add( new Integer(5) ); someVector.add( new Integer(5) ); // RI violated – duplicates !

47 Summary of mistakes that expose the Rep 1. NOT making rep components private 2. Returning a reference to the rep’s mutable components 3. Initializing rep components with a reference to an “outside” mutable object 4. NOT performing deep copy of rep elements 1. Use clone method instead 2. Perform manual copies

48 Group Activity For the polynomial example, how many mistakes of exposing the rep can you find. How will you fix them ? (refer to code handout sheet)

49 Learning Objectives Define data abstractions and list their elements Write the abstraction function (AF) and representation invariant (RI) of a data abstraction Prove that the RI is maintained and that the implementation matches the abstraction (i.e., AF) Enumerate common mistakes in data abstractions and learn how to avoid them Design equality methods for mutable and immutable data types

50 Mutable objects Objects whose abstract state can be modified – Applies to the abstraction, not the representation Mutable objects: Can be modified once they are created e.g., IntSet, IntList etc. Immutable objects: Cannot be modified – Examples: Polynomials, Strings

51 Equality: Equals Method All objects are inherited from object which has a method “Boolean equals(Object o)” – Returns true if object o is the same as the current – Returns false otherwise Note that equals tests whether two objects have the same state – If a and b are different objects, a.equals(b) will return false even if they are functionally identical

52 Equality: IntSet Example IntSet a = new IntSet(); a.insert(1); a.insert(2); a.insert(3); IntSet b = new IntSet(); b.insert(1); b.insert(2); b.insert(3); if ( a.equals(b) ) { System.out.println(“Equal”); } What is printed by the above code ?

53 Equality: IntSet Example It prints nothing. Why ? – Because the intsets are different objects and the object.equals method only compares their hash – Therefore, a.equals(b) returns false But this is in fact the correct behavior ! – To see this, assume that you added an element to a but not b after the equals comparison – a.equals(b) would no longer be true, even if you have not changed the references to a or b

54 Rule of Object Equality Two objects should be equal if it is impossible to distinguish between them using any sequence of calls to the object’s methods Corollary: Once two objects are equal, they should always be equal. Otherwise it is possible to distinguish between them using some combination of the object’s methods.

55 Mutability and the Equals Method For mutable objects, you can distinguish between two objects by mutating them after the comparison. Therefore, they are NOT equal. The default equals method does the right thing – i.e., returns false. If the objects are immutable AND have the same state, then the equals method should return true. So we need to override the equals for immutable objects to do the right thing.

56 Immutable Abstractions ADT does not change once created – No mutator methods – Producer methods to create new objects Appropriate for modeling objects that do not change during their existence – Mathematical entities such as Rational numbers – Certain objects may be implemented more efficiently e.g., Strings

57 Why use immutable ADTs ? Safety – Don’t need to worry about accidental changes – Can be assured that rep doesn’t change Efficiency – May hurt efficiency if you need to copy the object – In some cases, it may be more efficient by sharing representations across objects e.g., Strings Ease of Implementation – May be easier for concurrency control

58 Equality: Immutable objects Immutable objects should define their own equals method – Return true if the abstract state matches, even if the internal state (i.e., rep) is different Therefore, methods of an Immutable object can modify its rep, but not the abstraction – Such methods said to have benevolent side effects

59 Group Activity Design an equals method for two polynomials. What will you do if the polynomials are not in their canonical forms ?

60 Learning Objectives Define data abstractions and list their elements Write the abstraction function (AF) and representation invariant (RI) of a data abstraction Prove that the RI is maintained and that the implementation matches the abstraction (i.e., AF) Enumerate common mistakes in data abstractions and learn how to avoid them Design equality methods for mutable and immutable data types

61 To do before next class Submit assignment 2 in the lab Start working on assignment 3 Prepare for the midterm exam – Portions include everything covered so far – In class on Feb 28th

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