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Spread of Chinese Civilization: Japan, Korea, Vietnam Chapter 13, Supplemental Packet Middle Kingdom Vietnam Korea Japan.

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Presentation on theme: "Spread of Chinese Civilization: Japan, Korea, Vietnam Chapter 13, Supplemental Packet Middle Kingdom Vietnam Korea Japan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spread of Chinese Civilization: Japan, Korea, Vietnam Chapter 13, Supplemental Packet Middle Kingdom Vietnam Korea Japan

2 Chinese World Order in the Making The Tribute System in Theory Chinese understood themselves as “middle kingdom,” far superior to “barbarians” The Tribute System in Practice some nomadic empires dealt with China on at least equal terms steppe nomads usually wanted to exploit rather than rule China

3 Korea & China Acceptance of Chinese luxury goods, scholarship, & religious influence Confucianism had negative impact on Korean women Korea maintained much of its Korean culture Peasants Hangul

4 Vietnam & China Vietnamese rulers adopted the Chinese approach to government Much of Vietnamese culture remained in place Language Entertainment Women

5 Japan & China Borrowing from China was voluntary 645-857: period of cultural borrowing Attempt centralized, bureaucratic state 900s: borrowing slows 1185-1573: period of feudalism

6 China’s Impact on Eurasia Many Chinese innovations spread beyond its borders Chinese prosperity stimulated commercial life all over Eurasia

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