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NASA Facility Investments funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Stephen J. Elsner NASA, Johnson Space Center Houston, TX 4/27/10.

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Presentation on theme: "NASA Facility Investments funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Stephen J. Elsner NASA, Johnson Space Center Houston, TX 4/27/10."— Presentation transcript:

1 NASA Facility Investments funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Stephen J. Elsner NASA, Johnson Space Center Houston, TX 4/27/10

2 Presentation Outline  Brief facts about NASA  ARRA funding to NASA  NASA facility investments  Hurricane Ike’s impacts to JSC  JSC’s recovery repairs  JSC’s Sustainability benefits

3 Brief Facts About NASA  FY10 budget of $18.7B – $3.8B for Exploration Systems Mission Directorate – $4.5B for Science Mission Directorate – $0.5B for Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate – $3.1B for Cross-Agency Support – $6.8B Other  Headquarters plus 10 field centers  ~18,350 FTEs and ~41,000 Contractor WYEs

4  NASA is investing nearly $121M (12%) of its ARRA funding to repair, upgrade, and/or build new facilities  These investments are preserving and creating jobs while promoting economic recovery ARRA Funding to NASA

5 NASA Facility Investments  Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate – Aeronautic Test Program ($46.6M) $9M at Ames Research Center (CA) $23.6M at Glenn Research Center (OH) $14M at Langley Research Center (VA)  Exploration Systems Mission Directorate – Dual Use Initiatives Program ($24M) $1.2M at Kennedy Space Center (FL) $13.8M at Stennis Space Center (MS) $9M at Wallops Flight Facility (VA)  Cross Agency Support – Institutional Investments Program ($50M) $50M at Johnson Space Center (TX)

6 NASA Aero Facility Investments  Ames – Reliability Improvements for the Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel Air Compression System ($9M)  Glenn – Ice Crystal Capability at the Propulsion Systems Laboratory (4.8M) – New Refrigeration System and HEX for the Icing Research Tunnel ($18.8M)  Langley – National Transonic Facility Improvements ($9M) – 14 x 22 Facility Infrastructure Modifications to Support ERA ($5M)

7  Kennedy ($1.2M) – Commercial Crew Enabling initiatives - Launch Complex 40 Modifications  Stennis ($13.9M) – Test infrastructure initiatives - repair and upgrade key test support systems  Wallops ($9M) – Launch infrastructure updates - Phase 1 of the Horizontal Integration Facility NASA Dual Use Facility Investments

8 NASA CAS Facility Investments  Johnson ($50M) – The purpose is to repair damage caused by Hurricane Ike which occurred on September 13, 2008 – Ike was the third most destructive hurricane to ever make landfall in the United States – Damages from Ike in US coastal and inland areas were estimated at $24 billion (2008 USD)

9 Hurricane Ike’s Impacts to JSC  JSC was closed for 6.5 business days  The storm damage was estimated at close to $90M 9

10 Hurricane Ike’s Impacts to JSC

11 11 JSC’s Recovery Repairs  Phase 0, I - Immediate, urgent repairs to safe the site, continue operations, ($37.5M; complete)  Phase II – Final phase of repairs ($50M from ARRA; ~50% complete) – Replacement of 20 roofs, 2381 windows, 100+ street/parking/sidewalk lights – Repairs to exterior panels on 36 buildings and loggia ledges on 11 buildings – Reconstruction of a destroyed aircraft hangar – Safing of a damaged barge dock – Replacement of damaged carpeting

12  Roof repairs Meeting Energy Star standards (20%-30% improvement) Abating asbestos and lead Designing roof for 150 MPH uplift  Lights Energy draw is 60% less  Windows Low-e coating, no air/water leakage  Building panels Waterproofing Abating PCBs in old caulking JSC’s Sustainability Benefits

13 Back Up

14  $166M for human spaceflight Project Orion  $51M to support development of commercial crew capabilities and human rating requirements  $15M to accelerate a common docking system for the International Space Station  $1.6M for refurbishment of ailerons on NASA’s WB-57 aircraft Other ARRA Activities at JSC

15 NASA Recovery Financials as of April 11, 2010

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