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Prelude: The Laryngoscopes Waking Up is Hard to Do!!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Prelude: The Laryngoscopes Waking Up is Hard to Do!!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prelude: The Laryngoscopes Waking Up is Hard to Do!!!!

2 PN Curriculum Collaboration Project Fall 2012/Spring 2013 April 16, 2013 Health Educators Conference Sue Field DNP, RN, CNE Project Manager

3 Special Thanks to: Regional Curriculum Committee Statewide Curriculum Committee

4 Regional Committee Members O Itasca: Suzanne Aldrich MS, RN O LSC: Kristen Fenlason MS, RN O Hennepin Tech: Jill Waletich MA, RN O Anoka Tech (fall): Kristine Simoni MSN, RN O Anoka Tech (spring): Victoria Dahlvang MSN, RN O Pine Tech: Dione Thoma BS, RN O Riverland: Roschelle Manigold MSN, RN O Central Lakes: Sarah Jennissen BSN, RN, PHN

5 NW MNSW MN West and East Metro Northland Donna Craigmile MSN, RN Dorinda Sorvig MS, RN Ridgewater Deann Ober MSN, RN Cheryl Danielson MSN, RN, CNE Hennepin Tech Jill Waletich, MA, RN Kimberly Becker MA, RN Northwest Tech Teri Finn BSN, RN, PHN Christy Cook BSN, RN, PHN MnWest Brenda Pomerenke BAN, RN Donna Hage BSN, RN, PHN Minneapolis Jane Persoon MS, RN MN State Shannon Dahms MSN, RNC Tammy Hale MSN, RN Diane Wolden MPH, RN Central Lakes Jessica Herron BA, RN Sarah Jennissen BSN, RN, PHN Anoka Tech Victoria Dahlvang MSN, RN Kristine Simoni MSN, RN Itasca Suzanne Aldrich MS, RN Lynette How South Central Anne Cassens MS, RNC, IBCLC Candy Mortenson-Klimpel MSN, CNE, CCRN Dakota Carol Buttz, MSN, RN

6 Statewide Curriculum Committee Members CentralSE MNNE MN Alexandria Larae Ziegelman BAN, RN Kim Ziegler BSN, RN Southeast Tech Susan Priem MS, RN, COHN- S/CM FonDuLac Mary Monson MS, RN, CNS Joe Vork MSN, RN, APRN Pine Tech Kristin Madigan MS, RN Dione Thoma BS, RN Rochester Amy Sands MSN/Ed, RN Nancy Hust MS, RN, CNE Mesabi Karianne Hultman BSN, RN Jeffrey Torrel BSN, RN St. Cloud Lenetta Reynolds BS, RN Kristie Koval BS, RN, PHN Riverland Roschelle Manigold MSN, RN Judy Hanscom MSN, RN, APRN Lake Superior Kristen Fenlason MS, RN Tracy Moshier MSN, RN, CCE Industry Partners: Sharyl Rinkel (NWT) Kathy Kleen (NWT) Diane Grove (NCTC), Becky Gammon (SCTCC) Margaret Kippley MSN, RN (SCTCC) Industry Partners: Chris Davis (FDLCC) Karen Treangen(SCTCC) Carla Olson (SCTCC) Katie Schultz (SCTCC), Kris Kruse (MnWest), St. Paul Pepper McDonald MSN, RN Wossen Tsegaw MSN, RN

7 The Process O Regional Curriculum Committee O Met via WEBEX every 2 weeks O Met 2 full days in fall and 2 full days in Spring O Curriculum Committee O Met 4 times via ITV in Fall and in Spring O Completed multiple surveys for feedback on work completed O Dr. Farmer National Consultant (NLNAC) O Wonderful Feedback

8 Objectives At the end of this session the participate will be able to: O Access online resources from the PN Curricular Collaboration Project. O Explain how the Student Learning Outcomes direct the PN Framework. O Track the Student Learning Outcomes and Competencies throughout the framework. O Analyze and compare the curriculum and tools within the PN Curricular Tool Chest to your own PN program. O Select tools from the Curriculum Tool Chest to discuss with peers in your PN program.

9 Health Force MN Website O rces/Nursing-Accreditation.php rces/Nursing-Accreditation.php O Username: Nursing O Password: Nursing O Choose the PN Curriculum Tab

10 Drawing!!!! “Take a few capsules each morning before you weigh yourself. They’re filled with helium!”

11 Program of Study Dione Thoma BS, RN Pine Technical College

12 Program of Study O Suggestion of Credits ONLY O Revise to needs of your program. O Program includes: O 2 Med/Surg courses (1 pertains to geriatrics) O 1 Foundations Course O 1 Pharmacology Course O 1 OB/Peds course combined O 1 Psych Course O 1 Transitions Course O 2 Clinicals

13 Courses (2 Semesters) Sem Credit Type Lec/Lab/Clin Credits PN 100 Foundations of Practical Nursing12 / 2-3 / 04- 5 PN 120 Nursing Care of Older Adults12-3 / 1 / 03-4 PN 130 Pharmacology11 / 0 / 01 PN 140 Clinical I (2 hrs to 1 cr or 3 hrs to 1 cr)10 / 0 / 3-43-4 + Possible Gen Eds (Biology ? Composition?)17-8 Total: 18 – 22PN 11-14 PN 210 Nurse Care of Adults22-3 / 1 / 03-4 PN 220 Nursing Care of Women/Newborns/Children22 / 1 / 03 PN 230 Leadership and Transition to Practice21 / 0 / 01 PN 240 Psychosocial Nursing Care21 / 0 / 01 PN 250 Clinical II20 / 0 / 5-65-6 Plus Possible Gen Eds (Dev Psych?)23-4 2 nd Semester Totals:Total 16-19PN 13-15 Program Totals with General Education Credits34-41 Program Totals without General Education Credits24 to 29

14 Courses (12 months) Sem Credit Type Lec/Lab/Clin Credits Biology/Composition Sum 6 to 8 PN 100 Foundations of Practical Nursing12/2-3/04- 5 PN 120 Nursing Care of Older Adults12 - 3/1/03-4 PN 130 Pharmacology11/0/01 PN 140 Clinical I (2 hrs to 1 cr or 3 hrs to 1 cr)10/0/3-43-4 Developmental Psychology ?137-8 Total with Gen Eds: 14 to 17PN 11-14 PN 210 Nurse Care of Adults22-3/1/03-4 PN 220 Nursing Care of Women/Newborns/Children22/1/03 PN 230 Leadership and Transition to Practice21/0/01 PN 240 Psychosocial Nursing Care21/0/01 PN 250 Clinical II20/0/5-65-6 2 nd Semester Totals:PN 13-15 Program Totals with General Education Credits34-41 Program Totals without General Education Credits24 to 29

15 Labs/Clinicals O Labs in 4 courses (2 hours lab/1 credit) O Labs correspond to NCLEX–PN 2011 Test-plan O 1 st Semester: O Foundations of Practical Nursing O Care of Older Adults O 2 nd Semester: O Care of Adults O Care of Women/Newborns/Children O Clinical 1 st and 2 nd semester O 3 to 4 credits: 1 st Semester O 5 to 6 credits: 2 nd Semester O Determined by 3/1 vs 2/1 hours for clinicals

16 PN Curriculum Framework O Pictorial Framework O Developed around NLNAC Standard 4 O All parts of the curriculum flow from the O Student Learning Outcomes (SLO’s)

17 PN Curriculum Framework

18 Drawing!!!! A hot fudge sundae counts as a salad if you replace the cherry with a crouton!!!

19 Student Learning Outcomes Suzanne Aldrich MS, RN Itasca Community College

20 Student Learning Outcomes: Definition by NLNAC O Statements of expectations written in measurable terms that express what a student will O know O do O Or think O at the end of a learning experience; characteristics of the student at the completion of a course and/or program.

21 NLNAC Standard 4.1 O 4.1 The curriculum incorporates established O professional standards, O guidelines, O and competencies, and has O clearly articulated O student learning outcomes and O program outcomes (NCLEX, Retention, etc). consistent with O contemporary practice.

22 Student Learning Outcomes O Developed from the following standards: O NFLPN Standards (2003) O NAPNES (2007) O QSEN (2007) O NLN (2010) O The Massachusetts Nurse of the Future (2010) O Minnesota Workforce Health Care Assessment (2012)

23 Concepts/Definitions/SLO O Eight Professional Concepts O Each Concept Defined O Student Learning Outcomes Developed O Surveyed for input from O 340 Industry, Faculty, and Students O October, 2012

24 Survey O 53% Long Term Care O 22% Staff Nurses O 19% Administrators O 14% PN Instructors O 14% AD Instructors O 9% Hospital Setting O 6% Students O 3% Clinic Setting O (More than 1 role could be chosen) O Concepts O Definitions O Student Learning Outcomes

25 Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) OConcept: Informatics/Technology OSLO: Utilize information technology in the health care setting. OConcept: Leadership Skills OSLO: Utilize leadership skills in the provision of safe, quality, patient centered care.

26 OConcept: Nursing Judgment/Evidence Based Care OSLO: Utilize evidence based nursing judgment when providing and prioritizing care and promoting the health of patients across the lifespan. OConcept: Patient-Relationship Centered Care OSLO: Demonstrate therapeutic communication skills to practice holistic nursing that is patient and family centered, culturally sensitive and based on the physiological, psychosocial and spiritual needs of patients across the lifespan.

27 OConcept: Professional Identity and Behavior OSLO: Demonstrate professional behaviors and accountability to legal and ethical nursing practice standards. OConcept: Quality Improvement OSLO: Participate in quality improvement by recognizing opportunities for improvement and collaborating with the health care team to enhance effective and cost efficient health care services.

28 OConcept: Safety OSLO : Promote quality care, recognize complications and provide a safe environment for patients, self, and others. OConcept: Teamwork and Collaboration OSLO: Serve as a member of the inter- professional team using open communication, mutual respect, and shared decision making to promote safe, quality, patient centered care.

29 Drawing!!!

30 Philosophy Victoria Dahlvang MSN, RN Anoka Technical College

31 NLNAC Standard 4: Curriculum O Criteria 4.2 The student learning outcomes (SLO’s) are used to: O organize the curriculum, O guide the delivery of instruction, O direct learning activities, and O evaluate student progress.

32 SLO and Philosophy

33 Philosophy O All 8 Student Learning Outcomes are embedded in the Philosophy Statement. O Philosophy Statement can be found on HealthForce MN Website

34 Role Specific Graduate Competencies

35 Standard 6: Evaluation O Criteria 6.1 O The systematic plan for evaluation of the nursing education unit emphasizes the ongoing assessment and evaluation of each of the following: O Student learning outcomes; O Role-specific graduate competencies…

36 Role Specific-Graduate Competencies Definition O Expected measurable levels of graduate performance that integrate knowledge, skills, and abilities. O Competencies may include specific knowledge areas, clinical judgments, and behaviors based upon the role and/or scope of practice of the graduate.

37 SLO and Competencies

38 SLO’s and Competencies O Developed Competency Statements for each SLO O Based on National Standards O Competency Statements address the: O NLN and QSEN Apprenticeships of: O Knowledge O Skills/Practice Know How O Attitudes/Ethical Comportment

39 SLO’s and Competencies O SLO: Informatics/Technology O Documentation/ Confidentiality O Informatics/Technology O SLO: Leadership O Leadership Skills O Assignment/Delegation O SLO: Nursing Judgment/Evidence Based Care O Prioritization of Care O Nursing Judgment O SLO: Patient/Relationship Centered Care O Nursing Process O Communication O Learning Needs

40 SLO’s and Competencies O SLO: Professional Identify and Behavior O Ethical/Legal O Professionalism O SLO: Quality Improvement O Patient Care Concerns O Systems O SLO: Safety O Patient Complications O Safe Nursing Practice O SLO: Teamwork and Collaboration O Communication O Conflict Resolution

41 Drawing

42 SLO Organize the Curriculum Kristen Fenlason MS, RN Lake Superior College

43 SLO Organize the Curriculum Criteria 4.2 The student learning outcomes (SLO’s) are used to: 1. organize the curriculum, 2. guide the delivery of instruction,

44 SLO’s and Course Outcomes

45 O 1. Leveled at the end of O Semester 1 O Semester 2 O 2. Leveled by Bloom’s Taxonomy O 3. Leveled by Apprenticeships

46 SLO’s and Competencies Direct… O Course Outcomes specify the O SLO that relates to it. O PN 120 Nursing Care of Older Adults PN 120 Nursing Care of Older Adults

47 Clinical Courses O Clinical Courses O Leveled at the end of 1 st Semester O Leveled at the end of 2 nd Semester O Leveling of Clinical Courses Leveling of Clinical Courses O By Apprenticeship and Blooms O This is ONLY a framework O Learning does not always fall in this order.

48 Drawing!!! Feeling a bit overwhelmed? ??

49 SLO Direct Learning Activities and Measurement Tools Jill Waletich MA, RN Hennepin Technical College

50 SLO Direct Learning Activities and Measurement Tools Criteria 4.2 The student learning outcomes (SLO’s) are used to: 3. direct learning activities, and 4. evaluate student progress.

51 SLO’s Direct Learning Activities and Measurement Tools

52 SLO’s Direct Learning Activities & Measurement Tools O Clinical Evaluations O Developed Daily Evaluations around our SLO’s and our Competencies O 1 st Semester Daily 1 st Semester Daily O 2 nd Semester Daily 2 nd Semester Daily

53 O Clinical Evaluations O Developed Midterm/Final Clinical Evaluations O 1 st Semester Daily - Midterm/Final 1 st Semester Daily - Midterm/Final O 2 nd Semester Daily – Midterm/Final 2 nd Semester Daily – Midterm/Final

54 Learning Activities O Learning Activities directly related to SLO’s and Competencies O Developing Rubrics for Grading O Examples

55 Drawing!!! Remember the good old days???? Some of you will !

56 Concept Based Learning Rochelle Manigold MSN, RN Riverland Community College

57 Concept Based Curriculum O Taught either conceptually or the traditional medical model. O Concept Based cuts down on content. O Assists students to learn how to deal with patients with a particular alteration such as “gas exchange”. O The student is able to apply the interventions for that concept to other disease models O Uses “exemplar” diseases as examples. O Does not cover ALL diseases.

58 Concept Tool Chest O Concepts introduced 1 st semester O Reinforced at a higher level 2 nd semester O Concept Tools that have been developed: O 22 Concepts and Definitions 22 Concepts and Definitions O 8 Professional (SLO’s) O 14 Health and Illness O Exemplar (Diseases) O Syllabi with concepts Syllabi with concepts

59 Concepts O Giddens, Jean (2012) O Book on Concepts for Nursing Practice O Concepts developed using Gidden’s book O Elsevier O Spiral bound booklet O Shows where the concepts are found in the curriculum mapped to Gidden’s book.

60 NCLEX-PN 2011 Test Plan

61 NCLEX-PN Tool Chest O Lab Table using the NCLEX-PN 2011 Test Plan Lab Table using the NCLEX-PN 2011 O NCLEX-PN 2011 Test Plan Identified in: O Unit Objectives Unit Objectives

62 NLNAC Standard 4

63 O NLNAC Standard 4 NLNAC Standard 4 O Template in Curriculum Book O Comments from Dr. Farmer (Consultant) incorporated in book. O Found on HealthForce MN Website

64 ATI and the Curriculum Mapping Program O $500 a year if you do not change the curriculum O All reports are up in the HealthForce MN website. O $1500 for this next year where you can use the statewide curriculum O Make changes as needed for your program.

65 Workshop in August O Tentative Agenda: O Program Redesign to 40 credits or less O Student Learning Outcomes and Syllabi to display flow through O Clinical Evaluation Tools O Assignments and rubrics for grading O Clinical Grading O The “how to’s” of what happens in clinical stays in clinical. O Grading within the clinical setting.

66 Questions? 218-686-5159 (cell)

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