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Respiratory System Lungs Alvin & Fayed.

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1 Respiratory System Lungs Alvin & Fayed

2 Introduction Our Presentation will be revolving around the Respiratory System, moreover the Lungs. An organ with many vital jobs in the Human Body. There will be a follow up Quiz testing your gained knowledge on this System, as well as a handout containing all the information represented in this Slideshow.

3 Respiratory System At a Glance
The Main purpose of the Respiratory System is to give the blood the right amount of oxygen therefore the blood and oxygen can go to the right part of the body. When we breathe, carbon dioxide is extracted, and oxygen is imported into the Blood Cells. The main body parts that are included in the process of Inhalation are the Nose, Trachea, Lungs and the Diaphragm. The oxygen previously inhaled passes through the larynx and the trachea. The Trachea splits into two smaller tubes called the Bronchia. Afterwards, the oxygen directly goes within the lungs. Initially after the oxygen is sent to different parts of the Human Body, thanks to the Lungs.

4 Lungs What they do The Lungs is a complex organ made of many extremely thin walls, tubes of various sizes, and sacks known as alveoli. It is one of the bodies Largest Organs. The Lungs uses extracted oxygen from the Air we breathe, and circulates it throughout the system by assisting the process of extracting and inserting oxygen throughout the many red blood cells.

5 History Of the Lungs In the Past, our Lungs used to be Stronger and more Powerful, as tasks required many physical labour and less help from the use of Technology. The body would require more Oxygen, thus, lungs would have to pump in more air. Due to Lungs being stronger, they can retain most air-born disturbances in the Past, reducing many air-born sicknesses such as Asthma.

6 Future Of the Lungs Due to the many pollutions and air-sicknesses caused by Man Kind, the Lungs are facing many damaging challenges every day. Allergies have also developed due to our bodies lack of clean air environments. A few diseases towards the Lungs & Respiratory system would be COPD, Asthma, even Lung Cancer. Moreover, the development of Modern Technology and “simplifying our lives” has weakened the lungs due to the lack of physical exercise.

7 Affects To Society This can affect our society because since there is much more pollution in comparison with the last decade this affects our society now because, now it’s a possibility that lung sergeants can get much more business therefore increasing there salary by a extremely large amount. This can negatively impact our society too becuase now with more pollution we don’t live long in comparison with our previous years, nowadays the average age that people die is approximately years, and this is if you don’t have any illnesses. Regardless of all the cures scientist’s have found they haven’t found the most important cure age extension.

8 Respiratory System Comparison
Different animals have different types of Respiratory Systems. For example, an amphibian skin is an extremely important role to Air development. An insect has a very basic respiratory system with very simple anatomical features. Insects have a very basic respiratory system with a very simple anatomical feature. Plants have a respiratory system, but they run on Carbon Dioxide by Day, and Oxygen by Night. The underside of it’s leaves is used to produce oxygen, also known as the Stomata. Horses do not have a choice of how to breathe, unlike humans. We can breathe through our Mouths and Noses. Horses must breathe through their Noses.

9 Conclusion The lungs, part of the respiratory system, made up of Hundreds of Thousands of Tissues, and one of the most vital organs to Human Survival. It is what supplies us with the ability to Breathe and resort oxygen throughout the Human Body. With companionship of the Heart, together they are capable to move blood through the body. These are some of the many things you have autonomously learned throughout our presentation, and we bid you good luck towards the Upcoming Quiz.

10 Quiz Time!

11 Fill in the Blanks Respiratory
The Main purpose of the ____________ System is to give the ______________ Oxygen, therefore the blood and oxygen can circulate. Due to Lungs being _________ from Physical Labour (exercise), they can retain most ____________ disturbances in the Past, reducing many air-born sicknesses such as _________. Plants have a respiratory system, but they run on ________ by Day, and ______________ by Night. The Lungs is a complex organ made of many extremely thin ______, various sized ______, and Sacks known as ________. Blood Cells Strong Air-Born Asthma Oxygen Carbon Dioxide Walls Tubes Alveoli

12 Multiple Choice The Most Common lung Disease is: Lung Cancer Asthma
Does your Lungs participate in the process(es) of: Circulating Oxygen Throughout the Body Removing CO2 from Blood Stream All of the Above The Most Common lung Disease is: Lung Cancer Asthma Diabetes Bonus: If all the Air-Tubes in the lungs were Joined Together, they would come to a length of: 1 Metre 22.6 Hectometres 50 Kilometres

13 The End!

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