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The Selective Service. The Beginnings of the Selective Service Started in 1940 President Franklin Delanor Roosevelt (FRD) signed it into order Created.

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Presentation on theme: "The Selective Service. The Beginnings of the Selective Service Started in 1940 President Franklin Delanor Roosevelt (FRD) signed it into order Created."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Selective Service

2 The Beginnings of the Selective Service Started in 1940 President Franklin Delanor Roosevelt (FRD) signed it into order Created the country’s first peacetime draft This formally established the Selective Service as a federal agency

3 How does the draft work? There are 6 steps 1. Congress and the President Authorize the draft after a crisis occurs 2. The Lottery Takes Place: Your birthday determines your order Men are called based on their age. Starts at age 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25. 18 and 19 year olds are last. 3. All Parts of the Selective Service are Activated (officers and directors report for duty) 4. Each registrant has a physical, mental and moral evaluation. Then you are classified.

4 What are the classifications 1-A- can serve immediately 1-O/1-A-O- Conscientious Objector- one who is opposed to serving due to moral or religious principles 3A- Hardship Deferment- service could cause a hardship on the family Student- college: wait until semester is over, or if a senior when you graduate. High School: graduation or the age of 20

5 Last 2 Steps 5. Local Boards are activated and notices are sent Once you get your notice, you have 10 days to get to a processing station 6. First Draftees are Inducted When a crisis finally occurs, the selective service must deliver the first inductees to the military within 193 days.

6 Who can be excluded from the draft? If there is a military death in the immediate family If your parent or sibling was killed in action If your parent or sibling is captured or missing This includes the sole surviving son, of a family where the father, brother, or sister died as a result of military service (now includes mothers) If you are the “only son” or the “sole surviving son”, you must register for the draft and you can be drafted.

7 Who is required to register? Males born after December 31, 1959 that are: U.S. Citizens Permanent Residents Refugees Parolees Asylees Seasonal Agricultural Workers Undocumented Aliens

8 Who does not have to register? Females Men born before January 1, 1960 Men currently serving on Active Duty Men enrolled in Military Academies Citizens of Palau, Marshall Islands, or Micronesia

9 What happens if you don’t register? Up to a $250,000 fine Up to 5 years in prison You become ineligible for federal and state benefits which can include: Federal Jobs Federal and State loans or grants

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