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Political Ideologies and Economics The Cow Version What does the cow say?

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Presentation on theme: "Political Ideologies and Economics The Cow Version What does the cow say?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Ideologies and Economics The Cow Version What does the cow say?

2 Democracy A form of government where the most power is held by the people Usually this power is given to representatives (politicians) through elections

3 Democracy…cow analogy You have two cows. Your neighbors vote to see who gets the milk.


5 Socialism A system where the collective (everyone) or the government decides how goods will be produced and distributed to the people The goal is to give equal work and goods to all people = everyone is happy

6 Socialism…cow analogy In theory: You have two cows. You give one to a neighbour. In practice: You have two cows. The government takes one and gives it to a neighbour.

7 Democratic Socialism A democratic government which uses a socialist economic system. This may mean using principles of democracy in the economy.

8 Democratic Socialism…cow analogy You have two cows. Your neighbours vote on who can distribute the milk to everyone.

9 Communism An extreme socialist system of government The government has more control The Claim: Communism makes a better and more equal society All human activity (work, etc.) is to benefit the government, which in turn is to benefit the people The Reality: Usually the only ones to benefit are the government elite and their inner circle

10 Communism…cow analogy You have two cows. The government takes them and gives you some of the milk.


12 Capitalism (Economic) An economic system where the production and distribution of goods is privately owned Business owners can profit greatly Workers get paid for their degree of work

13 Capitalism…cow analogy You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull.

14 Capitalism Some people think their work deserves greater pay or recognition (minimum wage vs.. millionaires) If workers are treated poorly enough they might revolt

15 Conservativism Respect for tradition, the rule of law, and (Christian) religion

16 Conservativism…cow analogy You have two cows. You freeze the milk and keep the cows safe in their pen. If you are a conservative capitalist, you turn your farm into a zoo where people pay admission.

17 Nationalism The government advocates for its country to be independent and powerful The government may believe its country deserves more rights than other countries

18 Nationalism…cow analogy You have two cows. The government takes them and declares them better than all other cows in the world.

19 If left unchecked… The most extreme governments become Totalitarian Examples: Soviet Russia Nazi Germany

20 Totalitarianism A government that controls nearly all areas of public and private life Any activities that are not for the government (labour unions, churches, other political parties) are not tolerated

21 Totalitarianism Power is maintained by: Secret police Propaganda spread by the government- controlled media Restriction of freedom of speech, voting, etc. Widespread use of terror tactics

22 Totalitarianism…cow analogy You have two cows. The government takes them and denies they ever existed. Milk is banned. You disappear and are written out of history.

23 Fascism A system of government with – complete control by a dictator, – a government controlled economy, – violent suppression of the opposition, – a policy of nationalism and racism.

24 Fascism…cow analogy You have two cows. The government takes them and sells you some milk. Then the government sends you to a hard labour camp.

25 Nazism Today is called Neo-Nazi Nazism advocated for extreme national pride and elimination of all “inferior races”

26 Nazism…cow analogy You have two cows. The government discovers that cows do not have a nation, and are actually from an inferior race of leeches. The cows are gassed. You are sent to a death camp for owning inferior cows.

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