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Circus of Words LEVEL K- 1 a my the has I.

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Presentation on theme: "Circus of Words LEVEL K- 1 a my the has I."— Presentation transcript:



3 Circus of Words

4 LEVEL K- 1

5 a

6 my

7 the

8 has

9 I

10 at

11 like

12 boy

13 it

14 am

15 cat

16 girl

17 school

18 Good job!Good job! Get ready for the next level.

19 Philip O’Brien Elementary High Frequency Words Junior Literacy Team Mrs. Bonnie Franklin


21 Circus of Words

22 Level K-2 Here we go!

23 go

24 we

25 car

26 an

27 to

28 have

29 is

30 him

31 pig

32 if

33 will

34 dog

35 can

36 cow

37 did

38 had

39 you

40 his

41 on

42 Get ready for Level 3 Amazing!

43 Philip O’Brien Elementary High Frequency Words Junior Literacy Team Mrs. Bonnie Franklin


45 Circus of Words

46 Level K-3 Here we go!

47 do

48 what

49 no

50 see

51 look

52 come

53 all

54 came

55 out

56 not

57 he

58 them

59 went

60 its

61 big

62 milk

63 box

64 blue

65 book

66 Soaring High! Next stop, Level 4.

67 Philip O’Brien Elementary KG High Frequency Words Polk County Schools Mrs. Bonnie Franklin


69 CircusCircus of Wordsof Words

70 Level K-4

71 for

72 me

73 one

74 little

75 are

76 here

77 than

78 this

79 first

80 long

81 get

82 then

83 but

84 just

85 fish

86 sun

87 duck

88 boat

89 jump

90 Let’s roll to the next level. Great Job!

91 Philip O’Brien Elementary High Frequency Words Junior Literacy Team Mrs. Bonnie Franklin

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