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Basic Photo Rules Take Two. Learning Targets Day One - I can find photographs that use the Rule of Thirds on the Internet. Day Two - I can produce a photograph.

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Photo Rules Take Two. Learning Targets Day One - I can find photographs that use the Rule of Thirds on the Internet. Day Two - I can produce a photograph."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Photo Rules Take Two

2 Learning Targets Day One - I can find photographs that use the Rule of Thirds on the Internet. Day Two - I can produce a photograph using the Rule of Thirds. Day Three – I can work in a group to put together a Photoshop display, including photographs using the Rule of Thirds – one from each group member and explain to the class in a presentation how each photograph represents the Rule of Thirds.

3 Rule of Thirds Subject of photo is placed on one of the intersection points of lines dividing the photograph horizontally and vertically. There are 4 points that are used. Can you see the points?

4 Good photography is often laid out in the Rule of Thirds. Great photographers place the subject not in the center of their photograph, but in one of the intersecting points of a nine-square grid.

5 Examples of photographs using the Rule of Thirds


7 Nature makes a great subject for practicing the Rule of Thirds

8 You can make your own subject to illustrate the Rule of Thirds by using your imagination and what you have available in your environment.

9 People photography can be enhanced if you pay attention to how you organize your finished photograph and use the Rule of Thirds.

10 You can put a person in the right spot by moving yourself or moving the subject to use the Rule of Thirds.

11 You can crop your photograph to show off the Rule of Thirds.

12 Find your own Rule of Thirds examples Day One Go online to find five examples of the Rule of Thirds. Online expectations: Use Safari, Firefox, or Google Chrome to search for Rule of Thirds photographs only. Click on appropriate content only. Save your Rule of Thirds examples in your desktop data folder. Create a new folder for this assignment titled - Rule of Thirds.

13 Photograph your own Rule of Thirds examples Day Two Using what you have learned about the Rule of Thirds, photograph multiple examples. Photo shoot expectations: You need to be wearing your photo class pass around your neck while on assignment. Follow appropriate photo shoot rules while photographing. Stay outside of Stewart buildings. Stay inside of school boundaries. You may go in field, in garden and in front of school, but not in parking lot. Save your Rule of Thirds examples in your desktop date folder - Rule of Thirds.

14 Rule of Thirds Rubric Exceeding – the subject of your photograph is placed using the Rule of Thirds. It is obvious that the focal point of the photograph is on one of the four intersecting points. You can draw a grid and one of the four points will be right in the center of your subject. Meeting – the subject of your photograph is in the general area of one of the four intersecting points. Student attempted to follow the Rule of Thirds when creating the photograph. Approaching – A photograph was created. The student attempted to follow the Rule of Thirds, but was not successful. The subject was not on or near any of the intersecting points. Beginning – Student knows what the Rule of Thirds is when asked, but was not able to create a successful photographic example. The subject of photograph was not on or near any of the intersecting points. No Evidence – No photograph and student has no knowledge of the Rule of Thirds.

15 Rule of Thirds Day Three Working with your partner put together a PowerPoint presentation, including photographs using the Rule of Thirds – at least four from each group member and explain to the class in a presentation how each photograph represents the Rule of Thirds. **remember your Photoshop tools - crop tool - copy and paste (command C and command V) - move tool - text tool


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