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Orchids In Focus … We focus on the Lord our Creator the Maker of Heaven and Earth, He is always with us… Protecting us in the daylight and in the.

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2 Orchids In Focus …



5 We focus on the Lord our Creator the Maker of Heaven and Earth, He is always with us… Protecting us in the daylight and in the darkness of the night. He brings light and understanding, guiding us in all we do. The Lord is never weary of doing good. Psalms 121:1-8



8 Our focus is always on the Lord and He Protects and Rescues us from danger. Psalms 25:15



11 The eyes of the Lord focus on us with delight as we respect and uphold Him in word and deed while Trusting in His Mercy filled Love. Psalms 33: 18:22



14 Today is the Day the Lord has made, we focus on Him and rejoice for He has done marvellous things. In His Love and Mercy is our Light and Salvation. Psalms 118:22-24



17 As we focus and believe in the Greatness of the Lord He confirms as He always has His Power and Majesty through genuine, Prophecies, Miracles, Signs and Wonders. These can not be devised, manufactured or duplicated by man or machine, not in the past, at the present time or in the future. They are not based on a lie or are they incomplete, they have their fulfilment in God’s appointed time. Daniel 4:3 & 6:27 & Mark 16:20 & Hebrews 2:4



20 We focus on The Lord then through the illumination of the Holy Spirit our eyes are opened to see God’s Truth. 1 Corinthians 2:11-16 We can Trust the Lords… Law, Statutes, Precepts and Commands they are radiant and pure, delivering the soul, giving light to the eyes and Joy to the Heart as we walk in His Righteous Ordinances. Psalms 19 : 6-11



23 We Taste and see that the Lord is good… We focus not on the Troubles that surround us but we believe and Trust in a Loving God that Rescues, Protects, and Comforts. Psalms 34: 4-22



26 Today is a Gift that’s why it is called the Present, which we can open with Joy if our focus is on the Lord. Then if there is a knot or two He will help us through. Matthew 6:25-34



29 We focus on the Lord and His Awesome Works… We give Him Thanks and Praise, He keeps us safe in all our troubles refining, equipping, Strengthening and helping us to stand firm. Psalms 66:5-12


31 Please Click To Exit With our Focus on Jesus we Blossom in Beauty. Thank you Photographers for sharing your gift so that the world can enjoy God’s Awesome Blossoming Creation.

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