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.  “Child-centered play therapy (CCPT) is the most thoroughly researched theoretical approach in the field of play therapy” (p. 379).  Successful outcomes.

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2  “Child-centered play therapy (CCPT) is the most thoroughly researched theoretical approach in the field of play therapy” (p. 379).  Successful outcomes o Externalizing problems o Combined externalizing/internalizing problems o Parental relationship o Statistically significant at 11-18 sessions

3  LeBlanc and Ritchie (2001) and Bratton, Ray, Rhine, and Jones (2005) o Individual CCPT is effective o Filial therapy (CPRT) is effective o Effect sizes were larger when paraprofessionals were parents and therapists were trained and supervised by Landreth or Bratton o Improvements in other areas Self-concept Social adjustment Personality Anxiety Adaptive functioning Family functioning o Age and gender not significant predictors

4  Hispanic children  Israeli children  Chinese children  Puerto Rican children  African American children  Japanese children  Kenyan children  Iranian children

5  Chinese parents  Korean parents  German parents  Israeli parents  Native American parents  African American parents  Hispanic parents

6  “Child-centered play therapy is the most thoroughly researched theoretical model in the field of play therapy, and the results are unequivocal in demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach” (p. 403). o Multiple settings o Wide range of presenting problems

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