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Religiosity Czech Republic. Since the 15th century there hasn‘t been any dominant religion christian church usurped power and didn't care about people's.

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Presentation on theme: "Religiosity Czech Republic. Since the 15th century there hasn‘t been any dominant religion christian church usurped power and didn't care about people's."— Presentation transcript:

1 Religiosity Czech Republic

2 Since the 15th century there hasn‘t been any dominant religion christian church usurped power and didn't care about people's spiritual lives (only money and power) new movement followed the teachings of czech reformer Jan Hus

3 Freedom to preach the Word of God. Celebration of the Communion under both kinds (bread and wine to priests and laity alike). No secular power for the clergy. Equal punishment for the mortal sins without considering the social position of the criminal.

4 people were forced to Believe in the same religion as their king or the nobility 1620 the king Ferdinand II. - recatholisation Christian religion was the only acceptable one In the 18th century the Habsburk monarchs - the Church under state services Religion - political tool Habsburk period 15-19th century

5 Modern state 1910-1930 – urbanisation -> social, cultural changes nuclear type of families

6 1948-1989 CSR was under influence of the Soviet Union Comunists need people to believe in the head of the state and not in god Priests were forced to work for STB materialistic and living life of the consumer society People lost their spiritual values that affect families,relationships, marriages…

7 Nowaydays Czech Republic is one of the countries with the highest number of atheists in the World



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