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Prof. Dr. W.-H. Boehncke Zentrum der Dermatologie und Venerologie JWG-Universität Frankfurt am Main Prof. Dr. W.-H. Boehncke Zentrum der Dermatologie und.

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Presentation on theme: "Prof. Dr. W.-H. Boehncke Zentrum der Dermatologie und Venerologie JWG-Universität Frankfurt am Main Prof. Dr. W.-H. Boehncke Zentrum der Dermatologie und."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prof. Dr. W.-H. Boehncke Zentrum der Dermatologie und Venerologie JWG-Universität Frankfurt am Main Prof. Dr. W.-H. Boehncke Zentrum der Dermatologie und Venerologie JWG-Universität Frankfurt am Main PSORIASIS AND CORONARY ARTERY CALCIFICATION (CAC)

2 PSORIASIS and co-morbidity no. 1 co-morbidity: PSA! evidence for increased risk for cardiovascular mortality –NEJM 1973, 288: 912 –BJD 1978, 99: 469 –JID 2001, 117: 1531 –Eur J Epidemiol 2004, 19: 225 but: –more smokers BJD 1996, 135: 859 –more diabetes ADR 1975, 254: 43 –more hypertension Dermatologica 1986, 172: 298 so: What is the role of PSO? –background: chronic inflammation causes atherosclerosis


4 CD3 CD41 11.9 28.1 6.7 Ludwig R, Schultz JE, Boehncke W-H et al. JID 2004, 122: 830 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 rolling fraction (PBMC) norestingactivated platelets PBMC alone Platelet-PBMC- aggregates p<0.05 Thrombocytes augment „rolling“ through formation of aggegates via P-selectin

5 p<0.05 0 10 20 30 40 NaClPS3NaClPS3 rolling PMBC (%) p<0.05 C57Bl/6P-sel -/- 0 5 10 15 20 25 NaCl PS3 p<0.05  ear swelling (cm x 10 -3 ) Contact DermatitisIntravitalmicroscopy Blockade of P-selectin dependent aggregate formation results in anti-inflammatory effects in-vivo

6 PSORIASIS AND CAC Is there a correlation between disease severity and P-selectin expression? –monitoring of in- patients PASI FACS

7 PSORIASIS AND CAC Are PSO patients at risk to develop cardiac disease? –32 PSO patients –matched controls –spiral CT CAC score (Agatston)

8 Ludwig R, … Boehncke W-H. BJD, in press 28.1% 71.9% 59.4% 40.6% prevalence controls patients CAC no CAC 050100150200250 controls Psoriasis * CAC score severity „Psoriasis“ is a risk factor for coronary artery calicification

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