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MCYSA Referee Meeting March 22, 2010. Agenda Introductions Greg Holtgrewe, President MCYSA Referee Assigning, Kelli Hudspeth, Referee Assignor Referee.

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Presentation on theme: "MCYSA Referee Meeting March 22, 2010. Agenda Introductions Greg Holtgrewe, President MCYSA Referee Assigning, Kelli Hudspeth, Referee Assignor Referee."— Presentation transcript:

1 MCYSA Referee Meeting March 22, 2010

2 Agenda Introductions Greg Holtgrewe, President MCYSA Referee Assigning, Kelli Hudspeth, Referee Assignor Referee Expectations, Mike Smith, MCYSA Director of Officiating Questions

3 Referee Assigning Kelly Hudspeth –Cell phone 270/994-4387 –Home phone 270/744-0800 –Email

4 Referee Assigning Check email often!!! Put something in the subject line of email –Preferably “ref” if generic email –Something specific if it is specific to a game or event A response is required if applicable. Games scheduled a week in advance.

5 Referee Assigning Review assignments when they are received. Notify of any conflicts as soon as possible. Please confirm assignments when received.

6 Referee Assigning Name: Age (if under 20): Location: School attending (if applicable): Team Affiliations: How many seasons of experience officiating and what type:

7 Referee Assigning Master Availability Schedule. List of dates you are available to work –By month –All at once Assignments will not be made for games individuals are unqualified to work –Referee Grade –Experience

8 Referee Expectations Equipment –Yellow jersey with patch –Black shorts –Knee high socks –Pencil and Paper –Cards –Whistle –Watch

9 Referee Expectations Arrive 30 minutes early Player equipment check 10 minutes prior to game time Captains called 5 minutes prior to game time Start the game on time if at all possible You are in charge when you begin the equipment check.

10 Player equipment Chin guards covered with sock Soccer shoes only –NO BASEBALL SHOES WITH FORWARD PLACED CLEAT –ABSOLUTELY NO METAL CLEATS NO EARRINGS OR JEWELRY NO HAIRBOWS –Ponytails and headbands okay

11 Referee Expectations U-8 and below –BLOW THE WHISTLE LOUD –Have fun with the kids –Teach the kids –Help them all understand infractions or procedures –BLOW THE WHISTLE LOUD

12 Referee Expectations U-10 and above –BLOW THE WHISTLE LOUD –Pregame meeting with AR’s Offside Flag mechanics Time back ups Misc –BLOW THE WHISTLE LOUD

13 Coach Expectations Recreational and competitive leagues –Encouraging to players –Encouraging to other coaches –Encouraging to referees –Maintain order on their bench –Maintain order of their fans

14 Coach Expectations Respectful of officials Specific questions or concerns should be addressed during stoppages Specific questions should involve joint discussion with coaches and center Coaches can be removed if absolutely necessary.

15 Fan Expectations Encouraging to players Tolerant of officials! Fan issues should first be addressed to the coaches Fans can be removed if absolutely necessary



18 Game reporting Any issues involved in a game –Contact Mike Smith as soon as possible –Document information Who involved Situation Time

19 Contacts Mike Smith –Cell phone 270/559-3005 –Email Brett Draffen –Usually found at the concession stand

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