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Magnetism Created By: Mr. Mossey. Magnetism  Force of attraction or repulsion of a magnetic material due to the arrangement of its atoms  Dependant.

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Presentation on theme: "Magnetism Created By: Mr. Mossey. Magnetism  Force of attraction or repulsion of a magnetic material due to the arrangement of its atoms  Dependant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Magnetism Created By: Mr. Mossey

2 Magnetism  Force of attraction or repulsion of a magnetic material due to the arrangement of its atoms  Dependant on atomic structure

3 Magnetic Poles  Either north or south, these are the areas where magnetic effect is the strongest  Always appear in pairs Like Poles = Repulsion Different Poles = Attraction

4 Magnetic Field  Region in which magnetic forces act  Can be represented with lines  Forms complete loops from north to south poles

5 Magnets  Permanent Magnets  Do not lose charge easily  Can be made of nickel & cobalt  Temporary Magnets  Lose charge easily  Can be made of soft iron

6 Magnetic Domain  Groups of atoms with electrons that align themselves in one direction  This results in regions of grouped magnetic fields

7 Magnetic Domain  Each group is a magnetic domain (group of atoms with aligned electrons).  Cancel each other out  Subjected to a field all the magnetic domains line up creating a magnet  Additive  Note: You can even destroy a permanent magnet by forceful rearrangement of the magnetic domains

8 Earth Magnet  William Gilbert = first to propose Earth as a magnet  Earth exerts a magnetic force and is surrounded by a magnetic field.  Earth poles do reverse as told by hardened molten rock

9 Compasses  North pole of a compass must point to magnetic south pole  Results in north pole being next to magnetic south pole  Magnetic Variation is the difference between geographic and magnetic poles  Weakest at the equator  Jupiter, Saturn, and the Sun also produce magnetic fields

10 Solar Wind  Charged particles sent out by the sun Magnetosphere  Region of Earths magnetic field  Blocks solar wind from damaging Earth Van Allen Radiation  Charged particles that penetrate the magnetosphere and cycle between the poles  When close to the atmosphere they cause the air to glow (Aurora)

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