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Integrated Radiation Measurement and Radiation Protection of BES Ⅲ Zhang Qingjiang, Wu protection group, accelerator center, IHEP,

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Radiation Measurement and Radiation Protection of BES Ⅲ Zhang Qingjiang, Wu protection group, accelerator center, IHEP,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Radiation Measurement and Radiation Protection of BES Ⅲ Zhang Qingjiang, Wu Qingbiao @Radiation protection group, accelerator center, IHEP, 2008-3-12

2 outline 1.Introduction of BES Ⅲ 2.Radiation analysis of BES Ⅲ 3.Radiation measurement around BES Ⅲ 4.Radiation protection of BES Ⅲ —FLUKA simulation of collimator 5.Shielding design to BESIII 6.Summary

3 1. Introduction of BES Ⅲ  BESIII is improved from BESII, and located at the south colliding-area, or the downstream of e+/e- injection point.  BESIII is planned to be installed in 2008.5. BES Ⅲ e - Injection point e + Injection point e+e+ e-e- Layout of RCS

4 2.Radiation analysis of BES Ⅲ Source term (1)Injection Status When e+/e- beam coming from linac injected into the ring, strong radiation can be generated at the injection point and passed along the tunnel into the spectrometer hall by multiple scattering. (2)Storage Status When e+/e- beam transport in the ring, beam current will be lost at the beam duct or other components, stray radiation will also be created around BESIII. BEPC BEPC : The dose rate in the spectrometer hall at the Injection status are 2~3 orders of magnitude greater than its value at the storage status. relative dose rate photonneutron 50cm fire brick wall Gammer monitor Neutron monitor e - e+ e+

5 (3)Collimators  To protect crystal detectors in BESIII, at the upstream of the superconducting magnet nearest to BESIII, a pair of collimators (horizontal and vertical) are assembled at 7.5m away from the intersection point(IP). Then the uncontrolled beam will be lost at the collimators instead of at the superconducting magnet, so as to reduce the radiation to BESIII.  The stop pieces of the collimators are made of Cu and its intervals can be tuned between 48~96mm by mechanical drive.

6 (1) Detectors introduction – OSL(Optically Stimulated Luminescence): also called photoluminescence, a new radiation dose monitoring technique. The probing matter is powder of AL2O3:C 。 Rays detected: χ, γ, β Energy response: 5KeV~20MeV Dose range : 0.01mSv~10Sv – CR-39(): a widely used neutron dose detector, and insensitive to χ 、 γ 、 β particles. Neutron dosage can be determine by reading track length of CR-39 under microscope. Rays detected : n Energy response : 100KeV~40MeV Dose range : 0.2mSv~50mSv – TLD(Thermoluminescent Detector) : made of GR-200 (LiF:Mg,Cu,P),  4.5mm  0.9mm. Rays detected : χ 、 γ 、 β ; Energy response : 30keV~3MeV Dose range : 0.1mSv~12Sv 3. Radiation Measurement around BESIII

7 (2) OSL,CR-39 and TLD distribution  When the RCS were running in the colliding mode, OSL,CR-39 and TLD were used to measure the predose near the spectrometer.  The distribution of these three detectors can be seen from following figure:

8 (3)Measurement results  OSL Irradiation time: 10:00,22nd -14:11,23rd, January,2008 (accelerator running in an abnormal status) Results(right fig.):  In abnormal status, photon dose was high, and this status should be avoided.  At the west of IP, the highest dose point was at 0.26m point from IP.

9  CR-39 Irradiation condition: -same place and time as OSL. Results(right fig.):  The distribution of neutron dose measured by CR-39 was identically as photon dose measured by OSL.  Neutron integrated dose was lower than photon integrated dose. neutron integrated dose is ~1/10 to photon dose.

10  TLD Irradiation time: 11:50-19:30,25th,January,2008, (doing feedback experiments at RCS) results: Outside of 80cm away from the beam duct, integrated dose at west- side end plane was slightly higher than that of east-side end plane. Outside of the distance of 40cm from the beam duct, dose decreased, but not obviously. It may due to the stray radiation coming from surrounding parts and walls.

11 Measurement result shows: In these extreme irradiation cases, dose rate at the colliding area were high. These extreme cases should be avoided as far as possible. To better protect BESIII, better shielding measures should be studied and adopted.

12 4.Radiation protection of BES Ⅲ —FLUKA simulation of collimator FLUKA code was used to calculate how much dose can be generated at the BESIII end plane when an electron lost at the collimator. ( 1 ) Geometric model Neutron dose field Photon dose field Neutron fluence collimator (Inner model)

13 ( 2 ) Dose distribution Without shield With 20cm iron and 20cm polyethylene shield photon , forward neutron , isotropic At the end plane, far away from the beam duct,dose decreases 6 times

14 ( 3 ) Total dose distributions at the end plane of BESIII, along the radial direction Without shield With 20cm iron and 20cm polyethylene shield

15 ( 4 ) Energy spectrum at the end plane of BESIII Annihilation photons 0.511MeV Photoneutrons ~ 1MeV Without shield With 20cm iron and 20cm polyethylene shield

16 ( 5 ) Analysis on calculation results  When an electron loses at the collimator, the average dose at the end plane of BESIII with 20cm iron and 20cm polyethylene shield is 6 times lower than that without shield, namely 6E-4pSv/e and 1E-4pSv/e respectively.  As there are gaps between the magnets and the beam duct, especially the secondary particles scatters forward along the beam duct, the radiation dose within 15cm away from the beam duct outer surface almost not reduces.

17  Without shield, neutron dose at the end plane of BESIII is 1/10 of photon dose; As shield added, the difference decreases, and neutron dose is 1/2~1/3 to photon dose.  From energy spectrum,we can see : Neutron energy centralized at ~1MeV, neutron number at 100keV—3MeV accounts for >90% to total neutrons. Photon energy centralized at ~100keV, photon number at 30keV—30MeV accounts for >99% to total photons.

18 Shielding effects comparison shielding condition Total dose at the end plane of BESIII (pSv/e) Reduced times Without shield 6×10 -4 1 10 cm Fe +20cm Poly 1.5×10 -4 4 10cm Fe +30cm Poly 1.2×10 -4 5 20 cm Fe +20cm Poly 1.0×10 -4 6 40cm Fe9.0×10 -5 7 Single electron lost at the collimator, shielding effects to the end face of BESIII at different shielding conditions. As there are not enough place to add more shield, total 40cm thick shield (Fe+Polyethylene) was simulated and compared.

19 5.Shielding design to BESIII —Shielding scheme to BEPCII concrete shielding wall (50cm thick): —decrease the dose rate of BESIII resulting from the beam loss at injection status. —decrease the dose rate of BESIII resulting from the beam loss at storage status. Local combination shield (2.1m down stream of the collimator) – Iron shield : Decreases energy of neutron and photon at BESIII coming from beam lost at collimators. – Polyethylene shield: Decreases the dose rate at BESIII by slowing down low energy neutrons and absorbing them. Iron shield structure

20 Summary BEPCII brings new challenges on radiation protection as compared to BEPC, especially at protecting detectors of BESIII. Radiation distribution around BES Ⅲ were measured using OSL, CR-39 and TLD detectors. Neutron dose was ~1/10 to photon dose. FLUKA was adopted to study the radiation protection conditions when collimators near BESIII was used, 20cm iron shield +15cm polyethylene shield are adopted. Any suggestions or questions? Thanks for your attention!

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