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PhD Projects Rahul Santhanam University of Edinburgh.

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Presentation on theme: "PhD Projects Rahul Santhanam University of Edinburgh."— Presentation transcript:

1 PhD Projects Rahul Santhanam University of Edinburgh

2 My Research Area Computational complexity: Possibilities and limits of efficient computation Design efficient algorithms for computational problems Understand why some problems do not have efficient solutions

3 PhD Project 1: SAT Algorithms Boolean Satisfiability (SAT): Given a formula with Boolean variables, is there an assignment of Boolean values to variables satisfying it? Canonical NP-complete problem; no polynomial-time algorithms if NP ≠ P Very important in practical contexts, eg., verification, planning, automated reasoning

4 PhD Project 1: SAT Algorithms Boolean Satisfiability (SAT): Given a formula with Boolean variables, is there an assignment of Boolean values to variables satisfying it? If the formula has N variables and size M, there is trivial brute-force search algorithm running in time O(2N poly(M)) Question: How much better than brute-force search can we do?

5 PhD Project 2: Bounded Rationality Context: Decision theory, game theory A common assumption is that players are perfectly rational, i.e., play optimally For various reasons, eg., computational constraints, limited information, cognitive biases etc., players have bounded rationality Q: Come up with new models of bounded rationality and apply them to situations such as chess, cryptography, financial markets

6 Contact Info and Funding E-mail me at if you would like to find out more about these Funding available for Project 1 Also possibility of funding for Project 2, via sources listed at

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