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 Republicanism: Atatürk's revolutions possesses political attributes. A transition from a very noble empire to a noble nation was achieved and therefore,

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2  Republicanism: Atatürk's revolutions possesses political attributes. A transition from a very noble empire to a noble nation was achieved and therefore, Turkey had gained the modern nation identity. In forming this identity, it is an important point for people who are qualified as servants to earn a citizenship. Atatürk had seen this path in Republic, meaning democracy, in which people administrate themselves.

3  Populism: When looking at the content and also the goals, Republic Revolutionary possesses a social revolution as well. The status of women in Turkey had essential changes with performing of the West laws, especially the Switzerland civil laws and with the law that was put in force in 1934, women gained the right to choose and be chosen. Atatürk, in a few occasions, had said that the villagers were the real administrators of Turkey. Actually, this situation is the goal, rather than the reality. The populism principle means, resisting the classification privileges and differences, and not accepting that any individual, relationship or a class is better than the other. Populism relies on the idea which expresses the Turkish citizenship. The idea of the citizenship which is combined together with pride, provides the psychological encouragement which is necessary for the community to work more, and it also helps to gain the ideas of nationalism and association.

4  Secularization: Secularization doesn't only mean separating government and religion from each other, it also means being independent of culture and living fields. Laicisim means, the government being independent and not being influenced by religious thinking and religion institutions; generally, it means latitude of thought. Most of the revolutions had been done to actualize luacism and the others were because of having reached the laicism. Laicism principle keeps the religion out of politics. Just like how printing was delayed in Ottoman days, it is important to prevent religious influence on the civil being for the Republic of Turkey, as it happened before on the previous reforms in which religion became a strong weapon on them.

5  Revolutionism: One of the most important principles Atatürk had brought up was revolutionism. The meaning of this principle is revolutionizing the traditional institutions into the modern institutions in Turkey. It means putting the traditional concepts on a side and adopting the modern concepts instead. Revolutionism principle passes far beyond the reforms to be known and accepted.

6  Nationalism: The reform of the Republic is also a nationalist reform. The nationalism does not have a racist structure, it is limited with the patriotism. The point of this reform is to defend the independence of the Republic of Turkey and to develop the Republic towards political sense. This nationalism has respect for all the other nations' rights of independence, has a social stability; not only being anti-imperialist, but at the same time it is against any class administrating Turkish society and at last; this nationalism is the belief of a principle in which, Turkish state being indivisible whole with its homeland and people.

7  Statism: In the policies and remarks Mustafa Kemal Atatürk had made; He expressed that Turkey as a whole with modernization, depends very much on the economic and technological development. In this context, it is interpreted that statism principle will appear in the situations of arranging the country's general economic actions and entering the private sector or fail to, or meaing in the necessity of national benefits. However, in applying the statism principle, the government didn't only form the basic source of the economic actions, but at the same time it became the owner of the country's great industrial institutions. __________________

8  * 1881 – Mustafa born in Salonika.  * 1893 – Mustafa enters the Military Preparatory School in Salonika and is given the second “Kemal” by this teacher.  * 1895 – Mustafa Kemal enters the Military High School in Manstir.  * 1899 – Mustafa Kemal enters the infantry class of the Military Academy in Istanbul.  * 1902 – Mustafa Kemal graduates from the Military Academy and goes on to the General Staff College.

9  * 1905 January 11 – Mustafa Kemal graduates from the General Staff College witg the rank of Staff Captain and is posted to the Fifth Army, centered on Damascus.  * 1906 October – Mustafa Kemal and his friends form in Damascus the secret society “Fatherland and Freedom”.  * 1907 September – Mustafa Kemal transferred to Third Army and goes to Salonika.  * 1911 September 13 – Mustafa Kemal transferred to General Staff in Istanbul.

10  * 1912 January 9 – Mustafa Kemal leads successfully the Tobruk offensive in Libya.  * 1915 April 25 – Allies land ar Arıburnu and Mustafa Kemal stops their progress with his division.  * 1915 August 9 – Mustafa Kemal appointed Commander, Anafartalar Group.  * 1916 April 1 – Mustafa Kemal promoted Brigadier – General.  * 1916 August 6-7 – Mustafa Kemal wins back from the enemy Bitlis and Mus.

11  *1918 October 31 – Mustafa Kemal becomes Commander Lightining Group of Armies.  * 1919 April 30 – Mustafa Kemal appointed with wide powers inspector of 9. Army centred on Erzurum.  * 1919 May 6 – Mustafa Kemal leaves Istanbul.  * 1919 May 19 – Mustafa Kemal lands in Samsun.  * 1919 July 8 – Mustafa Kemal resings from the post of Inspector of 3. Army and from the army.  * 1919 July 23 – Mustafa Kemal elected Chairman of Erzurum Congress.  * 1920 April 23 – Mustafa Kemal opens the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM) in Ankara.

12  * 1920 May 11 – Mustafa Kemal is condemned to death by the government in Istanbul.  * 1921 August 5 – Mustafa Kemal appointed Commander – in – Chief by the Grand National Assembly.  * 1921 August 23 – The battle of Sakarya begins with Turkish troops led by Mustafa Kemal.  * 1921 September 19 – The Grand National Assembly gives Mustafa Kemal the rank of Marshal and the title Gazi (Victor).  * 1922 August 26 – Gazi Mustafa Kemal begins to lead Great Offensive from the hill of Kocatepe.  * 1922 August 30 – Gazi Mustafa Kemal Paşa wins the pitched battle of the Commander in Chief at Dumlupınar.  * 1922 September 10 – Gazi Mustafa Kemal enters Izmir.  * 1922 November 1 – The Grand National Assembly accepts Gazi Mustafa Kemal’s proposal to abolish the Sultanate.

13  * 1923 January 14 – Mustafa Kemal’s mother Zubeyde Hanim dies in Izmir.  * 1923 October 29 – Proclamation of the Turkish Republic and Gazi Mustafa Kemal is elected first president.  * 1928 August 9 – Gazi Mustafa Kemal speaks at Sarayburnu on the new Turkish Alphabet.  * 1932 July 12 – Gazi Mustafa Kemal founds the Turkish Linguistic Society.  * 1934 June 16 – The Grand National Assembly passes a law granting Gazi Mustafa Kemal the surname “ATATÜRK”.  * 1938 November 10 – Atatürk dies.






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