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Employment 101 Cheryl Rice November 2003 Work Placement Preparation.

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Presentation on theme: "Employment 101 Cheryl Rice November 2003 Work Placement Preparation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Employment 101 Cheryl Rice November 2003 Work Placement Preparation

2 Employment 101 What do you want to gain?

3 Employment 101 What does employer want to gain?

4 Employment 101 How can you impress your ‘boss’

5 Employment 101 What to know about the company 2Number of employees 2Types of jobs 2Number of customers served 2Are customers asked for feedback? 2Does the Better Business Bureau have complaints 2Who are their suppliers?

6 Employment 101 Where can you look to find out? 2Internet search 2Library search 2Chamber of commerce 2Call the company 2Ask associates who might know…

7 Employment 101 Work placement Exercise 2Find out three things about next week’s company 2Return in 45 minutes and share

8 Employment 101 Work placement goals 2Make a list of 3 things you want to accomplish during work week

9 Employment 101 Getting the best value… 2Work group exercise

10 Employment 101 Perspective 2Imagine you have been given $10 million/year, tax free 2No one knows you have this money 2You are free to do whatever you like for the rest of your life 2How would you live your life?

11 Employment 101 Perspective…2 2Imagine you have a year to live in good health, with no money problems. 2How would you spend your time?

12 Employment 101 Perspective…2 2How does this list compared to your first list? 2How does this list compare to how you spend your time NOW?

13 Employment 101 Perspective…3 2Write your epitaph. How would you want people to remember you after your death?

14 Employment 101 Perspective…3 2What would you have to change in your life in order to make that epitaph true? 2What would it take? Are you willing to do it?

15 Employment 101 Time Value 2Brainstorming in groups: 2You have $5.00 to spend 2How do you get maximum value for this money?

16 Employment 101 Time Value 2Brainstorming in groups: 2You have 5 minutes of FREE time 2How do you get maximum value for this time?

17 Employment 101 Time Value: debrief 2What if: 1You had MORE time for the assignment 1You had LESS time for the assignment 1You had more INFORMATION about the assignment: why, winning criteria,that you would be evaluated 2What did you put on BOTH lists?

18 Employment 101 Goal Setting/Persistence 2One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. 1'Which road do I take?' she asked. 1'Where do you want to go?' was his response. 1'I don't know,' Alice answered. 1'Then,' said the cat, 'it doesn't matter.’ 2Lewis Carroll, From Alice in Wonderland

19 Employment 101 Goal Setting/Persistence 2A dream without a goal is just a wish. Bill Cole

20 Employment 101 Goal Setting/Persistence 2Yesterday's passions may not serve tomorrow's goals. Frederic Hudson

21 Employment 101 Goal Setting/Persistence 2Short-term goals are the stepping stones to the bigger ones. Beth Pugh

22 Employment 101 Goal Setting/Persistence 2We all need lots of powerful long range goals to help us past the short term obstacles.--Jim Rohn

23 Employment 101 Goal Setting/Persistence 2Within our dreams and aspirations, we find our opportunities. Sue Ebaugh

24 Employment 101 Goal Setting/Persistence 2Your aspirations are your possibilities. Samuel Johnson

25 Employment 101 Goal Setting/Persistence 2I was saying "I'm the greatest" long before I believed it. Muhammad Ali

26 Employment 101 Goal Setting/Persistence 2The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt

27 Employment 101 Goal Setting/Persistence 2It may be that those who dream most do most. Stephen Leacock

28 Employment 101 Goal Setting/Persistence 2Always dream and shoot higher than you know how to. Don't bother to just be better than our contemporaries and predecessors. Try to be better than yourself. William Faulkner.

29 Employment 101 Goal Setting/Persistence 2Since you can't predict the future, create it. Peter Drucker

30 Employment 101 Goal Setting/Persistence 2The most important thing about goals is having one.-- Geoffrey Albert

31 Employment 101 Goal Setting/Persistence 2It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer. Albert Einstein

32 Employment 101 Goal Setting/Persistence 2Big shots are only little shots who keep shooting -- Christopher Morley

33 Employment 101 Goal Setting/Persistence 2If what you are doing is worth doing, hang in there until it is done -- Nido Qubein

34 Employment 101 Goal Setting Activity 2Targeted 2Response 2Assessment for 2Supporting 2Humans

35 Employment 101 Goals 2No Goals 2Trivial Goals 2Impossible Goals 2Incomprehensible Goals 2Flaky Goals 2Verbose Goals

36 Employment 101 Making smart goals 2Specific? 2Measurable? 2Agreed upon? 2Realistic? 2Time-bound ?

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