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Mr. Bob Carnaroli Bob CarnaroliSco – Z Tracey WinklerA – C ESOL Jennifer CiaccioD – Hix Maureen WarehamHo – Me Joanna PoyntonMi – Sci Claire UpchurchRegistrar.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Bob Carnaroli Bob CarnaroliSco – Z Tracey WinklerA – C ESOL Jennifer CiaccioD – Hix Maureen WarehamHo – Me Joanna PoyntonMi – Sci Claire UpchurchRegistrar."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mr. Bob Carnaroli

3 Bob CarnaroliSco – Z Tracey WinklerA – C ESOL Jennifer CiaccioD – Hix Maureen WarehamHo – Me Joanna PoyntonMi – Sci Claire UpchurchRegistrar Lori StromieCounseling Secretary Email/Phone/Meeting

4 Individual Counseling (Personal, Social) Academic Counseling College/Career Support Academic Achievement Intentional Guidance Classroom Guidance IF Lessons Assemblies Parent Information Programs

5 Ranked 910 (Washington Post’s list of “America’s Best Schools ” AP Merit School 2010 (AP Stem Achievement School -Silver) 133 Advanced Placement Scholars 28 International AP Diploma Graduates 75% scored a 3-4-5 on AP Exams 576 AP participants Avg. SAT 1,085…..Avg. ACT 23.5 92% accepted into post secondary training 71% attending 4 yr. colleges/universities 77% attending college in Georgia

6 Normal Grading Scale:AP Grading Scale: 90 -100 A 4.090- 100A5.0 80- 89B3.080 -89B4.0 70- 79C2.070 – 79C3.0 Report Card 9 weeks Work Habits: 1: Does Not Meet, 2: Meets, 3: Exceeds Responsibility Participation Assignment Completion Interpersonal Skills

7 EOCT Courses (20% of final grade) 9th Lit/Comp Biology Math I/Acc. Math Physical Science Math II/Acc. Math II American Literature US History Economics

8 Grading Weights EOCT Courses:Non-EOCT Courses:75 % Summative25% Formative Semester 1 = 40%Semester 1 = 50% Semester 2 = 40%Semester2 = 50% EOCT = 20%

9 4 English credits (9 th Lit and Amer. Lit) 4 Math credits 4 Science credits (Biology, Physical Sci. or Physics) 3 Social Studies (W. Hist., US Hist., Gov/Econ) 3 Career/Fine Arts/For. Lang. Health/Per. Fit 4 additional electives

10 3 Courses in a selected pathway Enhance the educational experience Provide skills/insight for future careers/jobs Allows for self exploration Just plain old fun

11 Culinary Arts

12 Family Consumer Science

13 Cosmetology

14 Engineering (Robotics Club)

15 Marketing (DECA)

16 Business Education (FBLA)

17 Computer Science Technology (FBLA)

18 Communication Technology (Broadcast Video)

19 Healthcare Science (Bio-Technology)

20 Art – Chorus- Drama - Band

21 Languages

22 10 th Lit Comp. or Honor 10 th Lit Comp. Physical Science, Chemistry, Honors Chemistry World Hist., Hon. World History, AP World Hist. Math II, Acc. Math II, Acc Math III Math II Support (elective) Foreign Language (Elective) Elective

23 EOCT (20%)…pass all EOCT courses Georgia High School Writing Test (Jr. yr.) PSAT (9 th, 10 th, 11 th ) Oct 12 $ 14 FREE for 10 th grade students ASVAB (excellent personal/career interest inventory) SAT/ACT (begin taking in winter/spring of Jr. year) AP Tests (May)

24 Graduate from a HOPE-eligible high school 3.0 CORE GPA (all academic courses only) Eng., Math, Science, Social Studies, For. Lang. AP quality pts. (only.50 given for AP, nothing above a 4.0) Meet Academic Rigor req: Class of 2015 must receive credit in at least TWO advanced courses: Math III or higher, Chemistry, Physics, AP courses in core subjects, Advanced For. Language. ACCEL or Dual Enroll. Univ. System Core Courses

25 Cover 90% of tuition (based on Lottery Funds) Award Amounts: $$$ varies and depends on the type of institution you are attending. Students attending Georgia public colleges receive a HOPE Award amount based upon a per hour rate at the institution he or she is attending. Private Institutions: Full time: $1,8oo per semester

26 Covers 100% of tuition (based on Lottery Funds) Zell Miller HOPE Scholar Requirements Core GPA of 3.70 1,200 SAT (CR+MA) on a single test administration or a 26 composite on the ACT

27 Pays for tuition at all Georgia Technical Colleges Gradate from a Hope-eligible high school NO GPA requirement

28 Attend school …attendance is Key Write down assignments (Agenda/Notebook) Ask questions in class Seek “EXTRA HELP” from the teacher Read materials for understanding Complete assignments on time Complete assignments when absent Study and prepare for class each night (weekends)

29 Re-write or type class notes (simplify material) Make Note Cards/Flash Cards (terms, vocab, formulas, dates, places, events etc.) Read notes into tape recorder (auditory) Study buddy to quiz and go over material Find a place free of distractions to study Read for understanding (highlighter, notes/flash cards) Use mnemonics/acronyms as a fun tool for understanding (

30 Recommended for college bound students Wednesday, October 12 th Cost $14

31 Scheduled in January PSAT Results Course Registration


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