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Well Log Image Calibration Jim Theriot +1 713 267 5109.

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Presentation on theme: "Well Log Image Calibration Jim Theriot +1 713 267 5109."— Presentation transcript:

1 Well Log Image Calibration Jim Theriot +1 713 267 5109

2 Registration Error Sources: Why do I need image calibrations? Traces calibrated on grid, but …

3 Usage Scenario: ‘Evaluate newly acquired field’ Get available well log data Scan and calibrate all well logs Generate cross-sections of selected wells, perform initial analysis, develop initial model of field Digitize key wells, perform detailed analysis, refine model of field

4 Current Process: [hire contractor to] Scan and calibrate all wells [convert well log image calibration formats] [use applications to] Generate cross- sections of selected wells, perform initial analysis, develop initial model of field

5 Improved Process: Why do I need a standard? [hire contractor to] Scan and calibrate all wells [per standards] [convert well log image calibration formats] [use standards-based applications to] Generate cross-sections of selected wells, …

6 Well Log Calibration document wellbore log image

7 WellLogDepthRegistration DocumentInformation– about the calibration document WellboreInformation – about the welbore LogInformation– about the well log Image – the calibration data

8 DocumentInformation version source producing_application comments Parameters

9 WellboreInformation well_uwi, wellbore_uwi well_name, wellbore_name operator field_name comments Parameters

10 LogInformation LogName, LogType service_company_name, date_logged Total_depth, TDDate KBElev, DFElev, GLElev logged_interval curves –name, uom, sections_recorded, scale, depthRangeRecorded, …

11 Image Name, nameType– reference to image file Mimetype, filesize, imagPixelGeometry, ImageMargins HeaderSections, AlternateSections, LogSections checksum

12 LogSection SequenceNumber, type, name logMatrix Scale, indexType, indexUom, indexReference Interval Upper/LowerCurveScaleRect Calibrations

13 CalibrationLine index calibration points –x,y – image pixel coordinates –role e. g. ‘left edge’ –track e. g. ‘depth’

14 Calibration CalibrationLine depth: 6600 points CalibrationLine depth: 6725 points

15 Delivery Framework: How do I get my (pairs of) files? File – data placed on detachable media or on local file system Internet – data placed under web server, ‘pulled’ via HTTP Web Service – data provided via web service, ‘pulled’ via SOAP, WITSML, … Database – storage is out of scope

16 Taking it forward A fast-track project Participants: A2D, ExxonMobil, IHS, Neuralog, Oilware, POSC –Looking for more oil and vendor participants Schedule –Publish for public review – Jan 2005

17 Questions? Jim Theriot +1 713 267 5109

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