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SW Asia Religions Conflict Christianity Judaism Islam Jerusalem.

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1 SW Asia Religions Conflict Christianity Judaism Islam Jerusalem

2 STATELESS NATIONS Conflict over land in the Middle East has caused this to be a land with... STATELESS NATIONS – unified nations of people without a land to legally occupy. Two examples are the Kurds and the Palestinians...

3 KURDS The KURDS occupy parts of IRAQ, TURKEY, SYRIA, IRAN BUT do not have a country of their own. They have been fighting to gain a homeland for 1,000 years. Thousands of Kurds were murdered and thrown into mass graves. This extermination was ordered by Saddam Hussein and he was hung for the crimes.

4 Another group of displaced people are the PALESTINIANS - they are Arabs who lived in Palestine which, since 1948 (year), has been occupied by the nation of Israel. Hot spots in Israel where the Palestinians and Israels fought over include: Gaza, West Bank, Golan Heights, Sinai Peninsula THE PALESTINIANS

5 Israeli Palestine Conflict Began in 1948 after the UN had allowed Israel to occupy the land at the time known as Palestine There have been several short wars since  The Suez War of 1956  The Six-Day War of 1967 saw many of the surrounding Arab nations attack Israel and then proceed to lose the above territories to Israel in less than a week.  The Yom Kippur War of 1973

6 World Religions

7 WORLD RELIGIONS Most monotheistic religions birthplace was the Middle East as a cultural phenomena Earliest was Judaism Most are based on Miracles Possibly one of the greatest ironies is that religious conflict usually goes against the teachings of the religions involved.

8 JUDAISM Oldest monotheistic religion Torah – Holy book consisting of the first five books of the Old Testament Descendents of Abraham Do not believe in the New Testament Waiting on the Messiah to come

9 JUDIASM Zionist – Jewish people who are looking for a land to call home. Anti-Semitism - A severe hatred against the Jews Religious Leaders include Moses and David Major Holidays – Hanukkah, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur' Place of worship – Synagoge


11 CHRISTIANITY Based on the teachings of Jesus Christ Based on the teachings of Jesus Christ Belief in the New Testament teachings of the Bible Belief in the New Testament teachings of the Bible The Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit The Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit Christ is the savior and the only way to heaven Christ is the savior and the only way to heaven Major Holidays – Easter, Christmas, Palm Sunday Major Holidays – Easter, Christmas, Palm Sunday Place of worship – Temple or Church Place of worship – Temple or Church


13 JESUS CHRIST Prophesied in Old Testament to come to earth as a Messiah (deliverer, savior) Prophesied in Old Testament to come to earth as a Messiah (deliverer, savior) Born in Bethlehem – Virgin Birth - 100% man – 100% God Born in Bethlehem – Virgin Birth - 100% man – 100% God Trained in temple – became teacher at early age Trained in temple – became teacher at early age Began public ministry, age 30 - Chose 12 assistants (disciples) to help Him and be trained to spread His teachings (gospel or good news)after his death and resurrection. Began public ministry, age 30 - Chose 12 assistants (disciples) to help Him and be trained to spread His teachings (gospel or good news)after his death and resurrection. Performed many miracles – water to wine, walking on water, healing sick, resurrecting dead, feeding five thousand with 2 fish and five loaves... Performed many miracles – water to wine, walking on water, healing sick, resurrecting dead, feeding five thousand with 2 fish and five loaves... Rejected by his own people (Jews) Betrayed by disciple-Judas Iscariot Rejected by his own people (Jews) Betrayed by disciple-Judas Iscariot

14 Christianity


16 ISLAM Based on the teachings of Mohammad Based on the teachings of Mohammad Holy book is known as the Qu'ran Holy book is known as the Qu'ran Bedouins are nomads that helped to develop and spread the Islamic faith. Bedouins are nomads that helped to develop and spread the Islamic faith. Belief in the Five Pillars of Faith: Belief in the Five Pillars of Faith: Repeated Expressions Of Creed Repeated Expressions Of Creed Frequent Prayer Frequent Prayer Month Of Daytime Fasting (Ramadan) Month Of Daytime Fasting (Ramadan) Alms-giving Alms-giving Pilgrimage To Mecca Pilgrimage To Mecca Place of worship – Mosque Place of worship – Mosque


18 Sunni vs Shi'ite Both believe in Islam Both believe in Islam Division began when the Prophet Mohammad died and did not appoint a successor. Division began when the Prophet Mohammad died and did not appoint a successor. Conflict over who is right for 1,800 years Conflict over who is right for 1,800 years Differences are shown through how they do their traditions Differences are shown through how they do their traditions

19 WOMEN Most women in the Middle East do not have rights Most women in the Middle East do not have rights Customs of Women: NOT ALL Nations... Customs of Women: NOT ALL Nations... – Must cover all but their face (sometimes more) – Role is to stay home and care for the children – Not allowed an education – Must walk behind men in public – Treated more like a servant than a wife

20 JERUSALEM Current capital city of Israel Current capital city of Israel Holy City for each of the major religions Holy City for each of the major religions Major Holy Places in Jerusalem Major Holy Places in Jerusalem Islam – Dome of the Rock Islam – Dome of the Rock Judaism – Western Wall Judaism – Western Wall Christianity – Holy Sepulchre (Where Christ was buried) Christianity – Holy Sepulchre (Where Christ was buried) Place of constant conflict and turmoil Place of constant conflict and turmoil

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