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Introductions What would you like to learn today? Your questions welcome Join us for potluck immediately following Welcome to Wolf Creek Lodge “WCL”

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Presentation on theme: "Introductions What would you like to learn today? Your questions welcome Join us for potluck immediately following Welcome to Wolf Creek Lodge “WCL”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introductions What would you like to learn today? Your questions welcome Join us for potluck immediately following Welcome to Wolf Creek Lodge “WCL”

2 WCL is Active Adult Cohousing Designed and developed by Chuck and Katie -- cohousing pioneers in US Four other adult cohousing communities in US WCL intended for adults…but no age restrictions Members share a common bond of age, experience, and community

3 How We Began Meeting four years ago in Nevada City Chuck & Katie searched and found perfect site Founding members began design process Delayed by economic downturn in 2008 Now UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!

4 Who We Are 21 member households > 14 singles & 7 couples Wide range of professions Many interests and hobbies

5 Where We’re From


7 Our Property WOLF CREEK LODGE HWY 49

8 Share with Wolf Creek Commons and 8 single-family homes

9 Site runs 1000 feet along Wolf Creek

10 Our Building 3-story Motherlode inspired architecture 30 individual homes – 9 still available Outdoor hot tub with changing rooms Parking options Elevator accessible


12 First Floor - Common House

13 Terrace outside Common House

14 We are GREEN! Quality Construction and Sustainable Design Features Designed to minimize noise and maximize light Energy-efficient in-floor heating system Energy-saving light fixtures Solar pre-heating for hot water Sustainable and low-toxic materials Low water-use fixtures such as dual-flush toilets Water-efficient irrigation Deciduous trees to be planted provide summer shade and winter sun many more features listed in packet

15 We’re a Different Kind of HOA How we govern Group process – everyone is on the Board Make decisions by consensus Decisions already made: non-smoking, pet agreement…more Decisions to be made: common meals, common house uses…many many more Teams conduct community business Teams include: membership, finance/legal, design, social, landscape, process Members decide how they want to participate

16 Our HOA Fees Cover… Property/liability insurance for buildings Home heating and hot water Community internet infrastructure Ongoing operating costs for common areas City water and sewer fees Garbage and recycling pickup Maintenance of 3.5 acres open space Reserve for building/property maintenance HOA administration expenses …and more!

17 Benefits of WCL Membership Build a community of kindred spirits Caring community allows you to “age-in-place” Location offers great walkability to trails and shopping for goods and services Reduce our impact on the planet And more…

18 facilitate physical activities, meaningful purpose and a sense of well-being Social Connections

19 provide variety and companionship Common Meals

20 Why Nevada County? Why Grass Valley?

21 Why Cohousing? Why Wolf Creek Lodge? Member story

22 Steps to Becoming a Member Visit our website: Visit the property with a member Attend our Introduction (Here you are!!) Attend General Meeting(s) Attend community social gathering(s) Meet with member for “in-depth” overview Obtain loan pre-qualification Attend orientation with Cohousing Partners ($95) Pay membership fee ($500)

23 Final Thoughts Your questions Role of your personal host Chuck and Katie’s books ??


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