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How Environmental Review can generate car-induced pollution: a Case Study. Michael Lewyn Touro College - Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center 2014 International.

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Presentation on theme: "How Environmental Review can generate car-induced pollution: a Case Study. Michael Lewyn Touro College - Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center 2014 International."— Presentation transcript:

1 How Environmental Review can generate car-induced pollution: a Case Study. Michael Lewyn Touro College - Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center 2014 International Business and Development, University of Parma. Professor: Paolo Fabbri Students: Jessica Gallani Olesea Mancas Edina Sznida

2 A BRIEF GUIDE TO SEQRA NEPA: 1970 National Environmental Policy; it is mainly focused on actions affecting the quality of human environment. EIS: Environmental Impact Statement (federal actions impacting on environment). SEQRA: 1975 little NEPA status; it encompasses a wider definition of environment. - It covers the private sector. - It considers both environmental and social impacts of government actions on environment. Harmful consequences: SEQRA can delay “infill development”.

3 SEQRA AND INFILL DEVELOPMENT “Chinese Staff I” vs “Chinese Staff II”: is EIS necessary? SEQRA may burden infill development more than greenfield development. NIMBY resistance to development.

4 WHY SEQRA’S BIAS IS ENVIRONMENTALLY HARMFUL 1. How SEQRA Makes infill More Difficult - SEQRA rarely prevents development that a city wants to approve. - SEQRA adds costs to development, meaning that make infill especially costly.

5 Why Making Infill More Difficult Is Environmentally Harmful 2. Why Making Infill More Difficult Is Environmentally Harmful - Infill development requires less driving, more infill development means less pollution, and SEQRA discourages infill development. - SEQRA discourages new residential development. Thus, SEQRA may actually increase rents and other housing prices, thus creating environmental damage by its own criteria.

6 Solutions I. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA): Transit Priority Project The project must: a) be no larger than eight acres or two hundred dwelling units. b) be served by existing utilities. c) have buildings fifteen percent more energy-efficient than required under current law. d) achieve twenty-five percent less water use than the average household in its region. e) provide one of the following: a five acres of open space or a significant amount of low or moderate-income housing.

7 Solutions II. More Aggressive Reforms: a) Making SEQRA less burdensome by exempting local zoning decisions from it. b) Excluding socio-economic impacts from the statute’s definition of “environment”, thus eliminating review of the social effects of projects.

8 Conclusion  Purpose of SEQRA: to protect the environment by requiring the government to consider the harmful environmental impacts of its actions.  BUT! SEQRA creates its own harmful environmental impacts.  Greenfield development may be less likely to require an EIS or lead to litigation over the adequacy of an EIS.

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