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Committee on Hemispheric Security – Permanent Council February 14, 2007 Report on activities related to AG/RES.2184 (XXXVI- 0/06)

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Presentation on theme: "Committee on Hemispheric Security – Permanent Council February 14, 2007 Report on activities related to AG/RES.2184 (XXXVI- 0/06)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Committee on Hemispheric Security – Permanent Council February 14, 2007 Report on activities related to AG/RES.2184 (XXXVI- 0/06)

2 Committee on Hemispheric Security – Permanent Council February 14, 2007 Report on activities related to AG/RES.2184 (XXXVI-0/06) Areas of action  Project execution  Support to Inter-American Forums  Support to policy formulation

3 Committee on Hemispheric Security – Permanent Council February 14, 2007 Report on activities related to AG/RES.2184 (XXXVI-0/06) Key elements of DSD projects  Identification;  Reduction; and  Risk transfer On-going projects  Caribbean Emergency Legislation Project – World Bank  Grenada Hurricane Resilient Home Reconstruction (GH2R) Project - CIDA  Central American Education Sector Retrofit Program (CAESRP) - CIDA  Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment in Central America and South America (VCA) – IFRC, ProVention  International Disaster Response, Laws, Rules and Principles Program (IDRL) - IFRC  White Helmets Initiative – Government of Argentina

4 Committee on Hemispheric Security – Permanent Council February 14, 2007 Report on activities related to AG/RES.2184 (XXXVI-0/06) Inter-American Forums  Meeting of high national authorities – Santa Cruz de la Sierra, December 3, 2006  Establishment of the Inter-American Network for Disaster Mitigation Inter-American Network on Disaster Mitigation (INDM)  Support the development of the Global Platform –Hyogo Framework for Action  Support the implementation of the IASP and the Inter-American Committee on Natural Disaster Reduction (IACNDR)  Support the sharing and exchange of information and knowledge and experiences – lessons learned and best practices

5 Committee on Hemispheric Security – Permanent Council February 14, 2007 Report on activities related to AG/RES.2184 (XXXVI-0/06) Policy Formulation  Support the Santa Cruz +10 Working Group  Technical advise to the Joint Consultative Organ of the Committee on Hemispheric Security, and the CIDI Permanent Executive Committee on Natural Disaster Reduction and Risk Management  Support the development of the Hyogo Framework for Action National Platforms

6 Committee on Hemispheric Security – Permanent Council February 14, 2007 Report on activities related to AG/RES.2184 (XXXVI-0/06) Action Plan – priorities and goals for 2007  Consolidation of the INDM – Support to the IACNDR and IASP  Drafting of policy papers addressing priority issues per sub region  Mainstreaming Risk Management in Water Resources Management – Transboundary basins, Early Warning Systems (EWS), Adaptation to climate variability  Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation to Natural Hazard Risk Management

7 Committee on Hemispheric Security – Permanent Council February 14, 2007 Geographic Area/ Thematic Area South AmericaCentral AmericaCaribbean Water and Climate Early Warning Systems (EWS) Floods & droughts in Transboundary Basins Community-based EWS in Small Valleys Wetlands and dams operation Flood control Climate Change (CC) Scenario modeling –land degradation; Adaptation; and Land-use change Climate Variability AdaptationScenario modeling – sea-level rise/ CZM Building CodesSchool and Housing Risk TransferReplication of Caribbean experience Insurance and re- insurance Seismic activity monitoring and early warning Ancestral knowledge and practices for EWS Indigenous people case study project (i.e. Andean community) Indigenous people case study project (i.e. Miskito communities, Hond & Nicar) Replication of Latin American experience Report on activities related to AG/RES.2184 (XXXVI-0/06) Thematic priorities vs. Geographic priorities CP 17593

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