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Interdisciplinary Teams We ARE Health Care: Team Focus on Patient June 21, 2012 Dr. Deb Oliver, Mount Mercy University

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Presentation on theme: "Interdisciplinary Teams We ARE Health Care: Team Focus on Patient June 21, 2012 Dr. Deb Oliver, Mount Mercy University"— Presentation transcript:

1 Interdisciplinary Teams We ARE Health Care: Team Focus on Patient June 21, 2012 Dr. Deb Oliver, Mount Mercy University

2 This session….not your typical sessionThis session….not your typical session  Interactive  Content  Timely  Valuable  Mixed teams

3 Goals of this session….Goals of this session…. To discover how today’s multi- disciplinary professionals within healthcare can become more collaborative in providing excellent patient care.

4 Agenda  Get to know one another  Brainstorming Activity  Describe Current State  Defining the Ideal State  Research Says….  Scenario Analysis  Most Important Take- A-Way  Moving to the Future

5 Let’s get started…Let’s get started… 1. Self-introductions at tables 2. Answer this question: Why is cross-disciplinary collaboration key to excellent patient care? Brainstorming…appoint scribe – no judging…

6 Current State of Interaction between DisciplinesCurrent State of Interaction between Disciplines  What do you see?  What are the behaviors?  What are the attitudes?  What roles do people play?  What are the issues?

7 How would you describe the Ideal State of providing excellent patient care?

8 Research says….Research says…. You will need to attend the conference to gain this content…. Hope to see you there!  See the reference slide for list of sources

9 Scenario AnalysisScenario Analysis Now the fun begins….  What are the issues within this scenario?  What solutions would your team suggest?  Report out

10 What is your most important take-a-way? Will you strive to make a difference?

11 References  Antonucci, D., & Kono, K. (2005). Strength in Numbers. Marketing Health Services, 25(4), 30-33.  Lichtenstein, R., Alexander, J., McCarthy, J., & Wells, R. (2004). Status differences in cross-functional teams: effects on individual member participation, job satisfaction, and intent to quit. Journal Of Health And Social Behavior, 45(3), 322-335  Mitchell, Rebecca J, Parker, Vicki, Giles, Michelle (Oct 2011). When do interprofessional teams succeed? Investigating the moderating roles of team and professional identity in interprofessional effectiveness, Human Relations, Oct 2011; vol. 64: pp. 1321-1343  Human Relations, Oct 2011; vol. 64: pp. 1321-1343Sly, C. (1997). Conquering internal process problems with the use of cross-functional self-directed work teams. Hospital Materiel Management Quarterly, 18(4), 51-60.  Developing Cross-Functional Teams. (2005). Healthcare Executive, 20(4), 31.  Antonucci, D., & Kono, K. (2005). Strength in Numbers. Marketing Health Services, 25(4), 30-33.  Lichtenstein, R., Alexander, J., McCarthy, J., & Wells, R. (2004). Status differences in cross-functional teams: effects on individual member participation, job satisfaction, and intent to quit. Journal Of Health And Social Behavior, 45(3), 322-335  Mitchell, Rebecca J, Parker, Vicki, Giles, Michelle (Oct 2011). When do interprofessional teams succeed? Investigating the moderating roles of team and professional identity in interprofessional effectiveness, Human Relations, Oct 2011; vol. 64: pp. 1321-1343  Human Relations, Oct 2011; vol. 64: pp. 1321-1343Sly, C. (1997). Conquering internal process problems with the use of cross-functional self-directed work teams. Hospital Materiel Management Quarterly, 18(4), 51-60.  Developing Cross-Functional Teams. (2005). Healthcare Executive, 20(4), 31.

12 Thank you for your attention and participation!!!

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