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EPSRC Mathematical Sciences Programme David Harman - Programme Manager 3 rd April 2007 – HoDoMS.

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1 EPSRC Mathematical Sciences Programme David Harman - Programme Manager 3 rd April 2007 – HoDoMS

2 Summary Make up of the Mathematical Sciences Programme Response to IRM Funding for 2007/08 EPSRC Strategic context

3 Mathematical Sciences Programme Priorities The exploitation and generation of new knowledge are both recognised as key components of research; Researchers can develop skills and build research capabilities to address challenges now and in the future; Collaboration with colleagues in other disciplines or in other countries is welcomed and encouraged; Current and future leaders of research are motivated and supported

4 Budget 2006/07 Science Budget £3200M EPSRC £640M Mathematical Sciences Programme ~£35M

5 Portfolio of funded research grants (excl. fellowships) By Value By Number Total grant value £53.3M funded grants

6 Resource distribution 2006-07 Small grants Workshops Networks (inc. ESF) Maths for Industry and Business Joint funding with other programmes PDF AF research grants Springboard Statistics mobility nb AF and SF salaries and SF research grants paid centrally DTG LSI DTCs Maths CASE PhD taught courses Bridging the Gaps IDEAS Factory

7 Mathematical Sciences Programme Responsive Mode budget

8 Summary of Portfolio of activities funded as a result of IRM recommendations Doctoral training ~£3m  6 taught course centres  LMS short courses  3.5 yr PhD Statistics >£10M since autumn 04 (excl responsive mode)  Earmarked studentships  3 Science and Innovation Awards  Statistics Mobility fellowships  National Centre for Statistical Ecology

9 Summary of Portfolio of activities funded as a result of IRM recommendations Interface with CS ~ £8M since Autumn 04  Discipline hopping  S&I award  St. Andrew’s multidisciplinary critical mass centre  Bridging the gaps Analysis and non-linear PDEs ~ £8M since autumn 04 (excl responsive mode)  2 Science and Innovation awards  Oxford Multidisciplinary Critical Mass Centre Operational Research  S & I Topic in 2007  Regional seminars  IDEAS factories

10 Priority activities 07-08 Responsive mode  Inc. First Grants, MathfIB Training (DTA etc) INI and ICMS Fellowships  AF, SF, PDF Bilateral with France New Maths for Biology

11 Other Issues Review of DTA Allocations Process - Consultation Council Review of Fellowships Schemes CTA Reconstructed as KTA - Funding of Maths MSc Courses

12 Programme Funding 2007/08 “Flat Cash” Responsive 14.0 Managed 1.7 Fellowships 2.7 Total £18.4M (2006/07 - £22.0M)

13 Science and Innovation Investment Framework Aim (10 Year Framework) Making the UK the most attractive place for science and innovation Public Service Agreement (PSA) Target: improve the relative international performance of the UK research base … improve the overall innovation performance of the UK economy…. Output 2 Better Exploitation “the science base is the absolute bedrock of our economic performance” Tony Blair Output 1 A healthy UK science and engineering base

14 The EPSRC vision… For the UK to be the most dynamic and stimulating environment in which to engage in research and innovation.

15 EPSRC Strategic Plan 2006

16 Essential Platform for the Knowledge Economy and much of the Rest of Science Securing the Future Energy NanoScience through Engineering to application TowardsNextGenerationHealthCare TowardsBetterExploitation Digital Economy EPSRC Delivery Plan Themes 2008/11

17 How can the Mathematical Sciences Programme demonstrate its contribution to the EPSRC Strategic Plan and Delivery Plan?

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