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Why Standards-Based Grading Buck Evans Assistant Superintendent for Operations.

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Presentation on theme: "Why Standards-Based Grading Buck Evans Assistant Superintendent for Operations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Standards-Based Grading Buck Evans Assistant Superintendent for Operations

2 Do your grades have meaning?

3 What does each grade mean in relation to the standard(s) students have to meet?

4  90% - 100% An A?  The student has completed proficient work in all learning objectives and advanced work on some of the learning targets.

5  80% - 90% A - B  A-B means the student has completed proficient work on all the learning objectives.

6 A grading system should not be based on the inappropriate use of averages. Using Averages  Using attendance  Effort  Being a good “kid”

7  the Student What does each grade indicate in regard to student proficiency to:  the Parents  the Teachers of later courses in sequence

8 Traditional Grade Book Name Homework Average Quiz 1Chapter 1 Test John906570 Bill507578 Susan1105062 Felicia109085 Amanda9510090

9 Standards-Based Grade Book Name Objective 1: Write an alternate ending for a story Objective 2: Identify the elements of a story Objective 3: Compare and contrast two stories JohnPartially proficientProficientPartially Proficient BillProficient Partially Proficient SusanPartially Proficient FeliciaAdvancedProficient AmandaPartially ProficientAdvancedProficient Traditional Grade Book Name Homework Average Quiz 1Chapter 1 Test John906570 Bill507578 Susan1105062 Felicia109085 Amanda9510090

10  It is critical that homework have direct correlation to the learning target(s). Homework  Assigned problems, assignments, and activities should be directly linked to learning targets.  Students should be able to ask and answer:  Do I know this?  Can I do this?

11  Assessment should take place when you are confident that a reasonable number of your students will score at the proficient level. Assessing students (refereeing)  Struggling students should have the opportunity to retest.

12  What quality is. Standards-Based Grading Teaches  Each subject has to have a concise set of standards.  With a precise definition of what meeting proficiency looks like.

13  No teacher can use standards-based grading without clear standards. Understanding Standards-Based Grading

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