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Bell Work  Do you no the special meaning of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. That Amendment give women the right to vote a voting-rights amendment.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work  Do you no the special meaning of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. That Amendment give women the right to vote a voting-rights amendment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work  Do you no the special meaning of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. That Amendment give women the right to vote a voting-rights amendment was first introduced to Congress in 1878, but it did not became law until August 26 1920. Today, August 26 is celebrated as Women's Equality Day. Its a day for remembering the women who worked so hard to earn the write to vote for all womens.

2 Bell Work  To excape the German concentration camps, the Jewish family of Otto Frank went into hiding in 1942. During the families two years in hide, 13-year-old anne frank kept a diary. She wrote her last diary entry on August 1 1944. Three days later, police raided the family's hiding place. Anne and her sister were shiped to a concentration camps. Anne died their nine months later. Since that time, Anne's diary has been publish in 30 languages.

3 Bell Work  For many years, people had to imagine what earth look like from space? In 1959, those people got there first real look! On August 7 that year, the U.S. satellite Explorer VI transmited the first picture of Earth from space. Two year later, the first human got to seen that view when Russia send a man into space. A few week after that russian space flight, Alan Shepard become the first U.S. astronaut in space.

4 Bell Work  August 6 is a date to rember. On that date in 1945, an American B-29 bomber droped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima, Japan. More than 65,000 people were killed in the explosion, which destroyed 4 square mile of the city. within a week of the bomming, the japanese government surrendered and World War II came too an end. Many places now hold special memorial ceremony's on the anniversary of the august 6 bombing?

5 Bell Work  Richard Nixon became president of the United States on January 29, 1969. In 1972, a break-in was discover at the head quarters of the Democratic National Committee in Washington, D.C. Soon investigators lerned that members of President Nixon's re-election committee was involve in the brake-in, That information led to Nixon's resignation on August 9 1974. He were the first -- and only -- U.S. president too resign in office.

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