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Tutor: Course ID: C22 Week 2 of 6 Dates 15 hours Absolute Beginners IT.

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Presentation on theme: "Tutor: Course ID: C22 Week 2 of 6 Dates 15 hours Absolute Beginners IT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tutor: Course ID: C22 Week 2 of 6 Dates 15 hours Absolute Beginners IT

2 Health and Safety What to do if there is a fire Fire exits If someone is ill First aid Comfort breaks

3 Ground Rules Arrive at least 5 minutes early so that we can start on time Switch off mobile phones Don’t eat or drink next to any computer Be polite and courteous to other learners and to the tutor No swearing

4 I can show you what to do but you must practise, practise, practise when you get home.

5 “There is no such thing as a stupid question but….. they are the easiest to answer!”

6 Learning Outcomes week 2 1. Restate laptop connectors and keyboard layout 2. Show the desktop layout 3. Explain icons, apps, programs and how they are accessed 4. Describe what constitutes a word processor 5.Use a word processor

7 Laptop exterior features - recap.


9 USB Universal Serial Bus

10 Optical Drive CD/DVD R/W

11 Kensington Lock

12 Ethernet

13 VGA Video Graphics Array (External monitor socket)

14 HDMI High Definition Multimedia Interface Mini HDMI

15 Stereo headphone socket Microphone In

16 Card reader socket

17 Switches used to be: on I and off 0 (These symbols bypassed any language barriers). The symbols were superimposed when one button was used to toggle between power states. Power button

18 Trackpad Switch to enable/disable trackpad

19 Loudspeakers Usually fitted here

20 Function Keys

21 Operating Systems (OS) All desktop computers use an operating system. Some operating systems include: Windows: 7, 8, XP, Vista OS X (Apple) Linux iOS Google Android There are hundreds of other operating systems available for special-purpose applications e.g. mobile phones etc.

22 Operating Systems (OS) Functions of an Operating System Processor management Memory management Device management Storage management Application interface User interface

23 What is a program or App(s) (Application(s)) A computer program is a sequence of instructions, written to perform a specified task with a computer. A computer requires programs to function, typically executing the program's instructions in a central processor. Apps is an abbreviation for application. An app is a piece of software. It can run on the Internet, on your computer, or on your phone or other electronic device.

24 What is a word processor? It is using a computer to create, edit, and print documents. Of all computer applications, word processing is the most common. To perform word processing, you need: 1. a computer 2. a special program called a word processor A word processor enables you to create a document, store it electronically on a disk, display it on a screen and modify it by entering commands and characters from the keyboard.

25 What is a word processor? The world’s best known word processor Is Microsoft’s “Word”.

26 Word processor excercise First of all type your name then this: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him to use the Net and he won't bother you for weeks”.

27 Word processor excercise Or if you are feeling more ambitious: “A Poem for Those Over 30” A computer was something on TV from a science fiction show of note. A window was something you hated to clean and ram was the cousin of a goat. Meg was the name of my girlfriend and gig was a job for the nights. Now they all mean different things and that really mega bytes.

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