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An End-to-End Approach to Globally Scalable Programmable Networking Micah Beck, Assoc. Prof. & Director Terry Moore, Assoc. Director James S. Plank, Assoc.

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Presentation on theme: "An End-to-End Approach to Globally Scalable Programmable Networking Micah Beck, Assoc. Prof. & Director Terry Moore, Assoc. Director James S. Plank, Assoc."— Presentation transcript:

1 An End-to-End Approach to Globally Scalable Programmable Networking Micah Beck, Assoc. Prof. & Director Terry Moore, Assoc. Director James S. Plank, Assoc. Prof & Director Logistical Computing & Internetworking (LoCI) Lab Computer Science Department Future Directions in Net Architecture WorkshopSept 27, 2003

2 What We Mean By That Title »End-to-End: Rorschach for Networkers Generic functionality at intermediate nodes Push complex functionality to “endpoints” »Scalability has many dimensions Number and distribution of nodes “Global” – like the Internet »Programmable Networking Able to implement new functionality without deploying new infrastructure

3 How to Build a Scalable Network Service From Things You Have Around the House »Weaken the Semantics Best Effort: Availability, Correctness & Security »Implement stronger guarantees End-to-End Maximum Service Units in all dimensions »Visible state must be generic Softness of state is a function of its use, not its implementation

4 Review: Scalable Network Storage »An End-to-End Approach to Globally Scalable Network Storage, SIGCOMM 2002 Beck, M., Moore, T., and Plank, J. »End-to-End means writer to reader »Weak semantics: storage at server not necessarily available, correct or secure! Tends to upset storage people Network people find it more natural »Déjà vu: Are we reinventing file-based networks? »“Everything I need to know I learned in Multics”

5 The Internet Backplane Protocol »malloc-like allocation API; load/store/copy »Maximum Service Units in all dimensions Maximum size of storage allocation Maximum duration of storage lease (renewable) »Generic service: Minimal structure in stored state Names not semantically meaningful (long, random) Servers are functionally interchangeable »Warning: Denial of Service attacks! »Scalable yes, but is it worth doing?

6 A Gratuitous Diagram Not worth doing Won’t scale Too good to be true functionality scalability The limit of scalable functionality Scalable services

7 Scalable Programmable Networking »Elements of Programmability Transforming data (computing) Making decisions (control) »Computing is resource intensive »Control is hard to scale »Let’s start with computation Remote Procedure Call (client/server) Network services operating on flows (send/receive) »Warning: Denial of Service attacks!

8 Applying Our Methodology »Weaken the Semantics Correctness & Security Best Effort: Availability, Correctness & Security »Implement these End-to-End Maximum Service Units in all dimensions »Maximum size of input & output »Maximum duration of computation »Push state management to the endpoints Functional operations; no communication! IBP provides scalable state management

9 The Network Functional Unit (NFU) »Exposed Service Model Buffer-to-buffer operations Must be composed with communication »Remote Procedure Call »Flow Service »IBP allocations can be RAM or mapped files NFU operationclient sender receiver

10 The NFU API (simplified) »IBP_nfu_run(IBP_depot, NFU_op, IBP_arg_list[]) »Depot Address/port identifier »NFU_op: numerical operation identifier Different implementations of same opcode must be interchangable »IBP_arg_list: list of allocations on called depot Each list element specifies »call by reference (IBP capability) or value »read-only or read/write Data types are not checked by NFU call mechanism

11 Dealing with State in the NFU »Operands and results are IBP allocations »State & side effects are possible But are they necessary? (use RAM buffers!) »What operations are supported on a depot? Whatever application communities want Not necessarily homogeneous, but consistent »How is the set of operations extended? Assigned names w/ fixed semantics Trust is required to install new operations »Dynamic extension reduces scalability

12 End-to-End Guarantees: Availability »A weak model is arbitrary outputs on failure Weaker still: arbitrary inputs on failure Stronger model: atomicity »Transient unavailability: Retry »Partition: redundancy in management of state Don’t overwrite inputs Checkpointing Transactions

13 Correctness: Now It Gets Difficult »Can computational elements be untrusted? »Generalize from Networking & Storage »These services “compute” the identity »Checksums verify the identify function »We need to verify other services Independent redundant computations Efficiently verifiable computations »Verifiability may require redundancy in outputs »Example: When computing a GCD, return all the prime factors

14 Security is difficult, too! »Current approaches to remote computation require trust & authentication of the server Communication between client & server is secure This is classical hop-by-hop security! »This assures accountability »End-to-end: compute without decrypting »Is it possible? In some cases, perhaps. »Is a dual strategy possible? “Trust but verify”

15 Is This Anything? Is It Networking? »“This no longer fits my intuition of what networking is. This is remote access to storage or distributed computation or something else.” »What is networking? How did I get here? »What do users what from the network? Synchronous communication Asynchronous communication »Computation is sometimes required »Implementing control is a performance issue Support for distributed applications

16 Multidimensional Networking “… memory locations … are just wires turned sideways in time” Dan Hillis, 1982, Why Computer Science is No Good

17 Illustrative Example: Merge Tree Depot 1 Depot 2 Depot 3 M C Z Y B L X A endpoint KLMKLM XYZXYZ ABCABC K X merge state stream state merge network stream state operations in red are initiated by endpoint copy K

18 What About Performance? »Obvious problems with client-to-depot latency Data & Control dependences enforced at edge »Deep pipelining can mask latency Fill pipe with straight-line code We could even label and cache “instructions” »When autonomy is delegated to processor, state at depot increases Pseudo-processes can be created at the discretion of the client

19 Related Work »Ephemeral State Processing, Calvert, Griffioen and Wen, SIGCOMM 2002 64-bit allocations; scalar operations »Active Networking »Agents & Mobile Code »Distributed Operating Systems Remote Procedure Call Checkpointing & Process Migration State Machine Models »Grid Computing; Peer-to-Peer

20 Conclusions »Our architectural development follows a clear architectural methodology, generalizing from IP The network is made up of limited-size, unreliable, limited-duration resources Creation of unbounded, reliable, permanent abstractions is difficult and costly »Why is this so counter-intuitive? Networking starts from an analysis of scalability Computer Science usually starts from desired functionality »The proof of the pudding is in the tasting…

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