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Demystifying the Fats Caitriona Lordan Dietitian.

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Presentation on theme: "Demystifying the Fats Caitriona Lordan Dietitian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Demystifying the Fats Caitriona Lordan Dietitian

2 Saturated Fat 17% reduction in CVD No effect on risk of dying

3 Saturated Fat Different types of saturated fatty acids Some but not all implicated in cholesterol elevation Myristic, Palmitic and Lauric increase LDL cholesterol Stearic has no effect

4 Butter Myristic acid 12%(increases LDL) Palmitic acid31%(increases LDL) Stearic acid11%(no effect) Other SFAs11% Alpha linolenic 1%(no effect) Oleic acid24%(decreases LDL) Palmitoleic 4% (decreases LDL) Linoleic 3% (decreases LDL)

5 Rapeseed oil Palmitic 4%(increases LDL) Stearic 2%(no effect) Alpha linolenic10% (no effect) Oleic 61%(decreases LDL) Linoleic21% (decreases LDL)

6 Olive oil Palmitic7.5-20%(increases LDL) Stearic0.5-5%(no effect) Alpha Linolenic0-1.5%(no effect) Oleic 55-83%(decreasesLDL) Linoleic3-21%(decreases LDL)

7 What about Coconut oil??? Myristic14-18%(increases LDL) Palmitic7.5-9.5% (increases LDL) Lauric45-48%(increases LDL) Stearic5%(no effect) Oleic6-8.2%(decreases LDL) Linoleic1-2%(decreases LDL)

8 Saturated Fat Causes endothelial damage Increases platelet activity but Omega 3 fatty acids suppress platelet aggregation

9 Thank you


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