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SCCP Career Mentorship Program Cathy Worrall, PharmD, BCPS, FAPhA Assistant Dean for Student Affairs & Experiential Education SCCP – MUSC Campus.

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Presentation on theme: "SCCP Career Mentorship Program Cathy Worrall, PharmD, BCPS, FAPhA Assistant Dean for Student Affairs & Experiential Education SCCP – MUSC Campus."— Presentation transcript:

1 SCCP Career Mentorship Program Cathy Worrall, PharmD, BCPS, FAPhA Assistant Dean for Student Affairs & Experiential Education SCCP – MUSC Campus

2 Purpose To increase students’ awareness of the various career opportunities in the pharmacy profession To help students explore potential career paths that match their interests & desired lifestyle To help facilitate students’ career decision- making To help students network with potential employers

3 APhA Career Pathway Evaluation Program On-line Assessment Each student asked to complete this survey prior to orientation & to print & bring survey results to orientation Each survey item describes important aspects of the work of pharmacy professionals –Assesses “critical factors" that should enter into your career decision-making process Your rating of these “critical factors” helps assess your goals, values, strengths, likes, and dislikes

4 Critical Factors Interaction With Patients Conducting Physical Assessments Interpreting Laboratory Values Continuity of Relationships Helping People Collaboration With Other Professionals Educating Other Professionals Variety of Daily Activities Multiple Task Handling Problem Solving Focus of Expertise Innovative Thinking Applying Scientific/Medical Knowledge Creating New Knowledge via Research Management/Supervision Pressure/Stress Work Schedule Part-Time/Job-Share Opportunities Leisure/Family Time/Parental Leave Exit/Re-entry Opportunities Job Security Opportunities for Advancement/Leadership Professional Involvement Income /Benefits Geographic Location Autonomy Self-Worth Future Focus Professional/Community Prestige Unique Practice Environment Advanced Degree Entrepreneurial Opportunity Additional Training Interacting With Colleagues Travel Writing Working With Teams “On-Call” Work on Holidays/Weekends Presentations

5 Your Career Assessment Results The lower the score, the better a career path matches your critical factor preferences –First set of results indicate possible career matches based on all your critical factors –Second set of results consider the critical factors that you indicated were most important to you Any surprises?

6 Career Option Profiles Provides descriptions for each of the 28 careers categories, including –Background –Characteristics –Insider information Most/least appealing aspects of career Advice for students interested in career path Critical factor ratings

7 Career Mentoring Program Assignments Complete APhA Career Pathways Program on-line survey & upload results into E-Value portfolio annually –Complete at the beginning of each fall semester Participate in a minimum of three career exploration activities per semester –Interview a career mentor –Shadow a career mentor (counts for two activities) –Attend a career mentor presentation –Attend Career Day Reception (required activity)

8 Career Mentoring Program Assignments – Fall Semester Compose interim report & upload into e-Portfolio –List and discuss the career exploration activities you participated in during the fall semester –Deadline December 1, 2014

9 Career Mentoring Program Assignments – Spring Semester Compose final report & upload into e-Portfolio –List and discuss all career exploration activities you participated in during the year Compose an annual career exploration reflection paper & upload into e-Portfolio –Reflect on fall survey results, what you learned from the activities you participated in throughout the year, and any conclusions/next steps in your career exploration process –Deadline March 31 st, 2015

10 Questions?

11 Career Panelists Marissa Wentzler – Chain Community Pharmacy Mel Rauton – Compounding & Independent Community Pharmacy Anne Parnell – Government/Federal Pharmacy Heather Kokko – Health Systems Pharmacy Lisa Gehlken – Long Term Care Pharmacy Jason Cooper – Medical Communications/Drug Information

12 Career Mentor Panel What made you decide to pursue a career in your current practice area? What critical factors were important in your career decision-making process? What advice can you offer students who may be interested in your career path?

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