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{ Persuasion Lesson 11: Introduction to the Research Project.

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1 { Persuasion Lesson 11: Introduction to the Research Project

2  What is the meaning of the term censorship?  The suppression by authorities of information, communications, or media that are considered offensive or dangerous.  What examples of censorship have you heard about or experienced?  How might censorship affect libraries in schools and communities? 11.1 Learn About the Research Project

3  Turn to SA 11A. List answers to three questions on your paper.  What do we know?  What do we need to know?  How can we find out?  Draft a statement of the issue to be researched in your own words. Record this statement in the space provided at the bottom of page 11A.  Share your statements with your partner; revise your statements as necessary. 11.1 The Research Project

4  Censorship is an issue.  What is your sense of the meaning of the word issue?  An issue is a real-world problem or controversy that people are discussing or should be discussing.  Turn to SA 11B.  What is the difference between a topic and an issue?  Ex: Penguins= topic  Ex: What should be done to reverse the destruction of habitat that now endangers the survival of penguins as a species? = issue 11.2 Define the Characteristics of an Issue

5  Consider how censorship of library books exhibits each characteristic of an issue.  Complete SA 11B independently.  We will discuss your responses when everyone has had a chance to finish this page. 11.2 Define the Characteristics of an Issue

6  Turn to SA 11C.  Turn to pg. 95 and read “Libraries Should Reflect Majority Values” by Phyllis Schlafly.  Use SA 11C to take notes as you read. 11.3 Consider Two Points of View on Censorship

7  Turn to pg. 97 and read “Libraries Should Reflect Diverse Views by the American Library Association.  Use SA 11D to take notes as you read this article. 11.3 Consider Two Points of View on Censorship

8 {{ Reflect Majority Values Reflect Diverse Views Compare/Contrast Viewpoints

9  Are enough reasons given to make the argument convincing?  Is the supporting evidence factual and correct?  Are the reasons clear? Are they explained thoroughly, or is more information needed?  Are the reasons and evidence specific, or are they general and vague?  Are the reasons strong and important, or do they seem to be included just so that the author has something to say?  Is the argument logical? Do the sentences seem to go together, and does their sequence make sense? Or does the paragraph sound like a set of disconnect statements? Evaluate Articles Using Standards of Reasoning

10  Turn to SA 11D.  You will be divided into groups of three students.  Work together to summarize the issue, identify stakeholders, and describe the stakeholders’ positions.  Write down your own position on the issue and discuss it with your group. 11.4 Begin the Research Project

11  In your role as editor of a city newspaper, you will need to take and support a personal point of view on the issue, not simply summarize known facts in a report or other product.  Write a persuasive paragraph explaining and defending your initial position on the issue.  Exchange your papers with a partner.  Use the Hamburger Model and the Standards of Reasoning to critique your partner’s work. 11.4 Begin the Research Project

12  The essays by Phyllis Schlafly and the American Library Association represent only a sample of the many books, articles, and other sources that are available on the subject of censorship.  In your research, you may also have to use primary resources, such as interviews or polls.  Turn to SA 11F. 11.4 Begin the Research Project

13  Your ultimate assignment is to develop a persuasive editorial and speech, explaining and defending your p.o.v. on the issue.  A draft of the essay is due by Lesson 20..  The final essay and speech are due by Lesson 22. 11.4 Begin the Research Project

14  Continue to work on your research project. Look for resources that provide information about censorship, particularly in school libraries.  Complete the draft of your persuasive letter expressing your opinion about a concerning issue (from lesson 9). You will revise this letter in lesson 12.  Continue reading your third novel and working on the questions from 1B or 1C.  Continue collecting advertisements for lesson 19. Homework

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