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Play A Model Code on Education and Dignity JEOPARDY!

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2 Play A Model Code on Education and Dignity JEOPARDY!

3 *

4 Behaviors that should be handled by school staff, NOT by School Resource Officers Answer

5 Game board… Disorderly conduct, insubordination, failure to wear school uniform, truancy, etc… (p. 39-40 D.2)

6 Answer How School Resource Officers should respond when they witness school discipline issues

7 Game Board Locate school staff to respond, or in situations like fighting, de-escalate using conflict resolution and refer to school staff (p. 40 D.4)

8 Answer School Resources Officers shall consult with principals before they can do this

9 Game Board… Arrest or Search a student (p. 40 E.2 and p. 41 F.2)

10 Answer Schools with metal detectors must do this every year

11 Game Board… Carry out annual reviews with parent and student participation to determine if the metal detectors should be removed (p. 42 H.5)

12 DAILY DOUBLE question

13 School Resource Officers must receive this many hours of training before and after they start working in schools Answer…

14 Game Board… At least 60 hours before being assigned to schools, and 10 hours each year after they are working in schools (p. 44 K.2)

15 Answer… Three key parts of the Restorative Justice definition

16 Game Board… a.Identify misconduct and attempt to repair the damage b.Include all people impacted c.Create a process for healing, reconciliation and the rebuilding of relationships (p. 28 A.2)

17 Answer Every school should have one made up of administrators, teachers, students and parents

18 Game board… A Restorative Planning Team (p. 28 C)

19 Answer… Teachers shall use these 2 types of restorative circles as a classroom teaching tool

20 Game board… Morning Check-in Circles and Discussion Circles (p. 29 D.2)

21 Answer… Two examples of restorative strategies schools can use as a disciplinary response

22 Game board… Any two of these: - Restorative Chat - Restorative Circles - Fairness Committees - Restorative Group Conferencing - Restorative Peer Juries - Impact Panels - Mediated Conferencing (P. 29-30 E.3)

23 Answer… These people should help design and lead trainings on restorative practices

24 Game board… Teachers, students, and parents or guardians (p. 31 G)

25 FINAL JEOPARDY TOPIC Training for School Resource Officers Question…

26 Answer… Three examples of the topic areas for trainings that School Resources Officers should receive

27 Any three of these: Bias-based and sexual harassment Child and adolescent development and psychology Conflict resolution and peer mediation Working with youth with disabilities Cultural competencies Impacts of arrest/incarceration on youth Restorative practices, PBIS and other programs being used in the district (p. 44 K.2) End…

28 We would like to thank South x Southwest Experiment for providing the template for this jeopardy game. For more information please go to:

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