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September 12, 2011.  Riley has a Continuum of Differentiated Services.  Differentiation is the process of adapting the curriculum according to the ability.

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Presentation on theme: "September 12, 2011.  Riley has a Continuum of Differentiated Services.  Differentiation is the process of adapting the curriculum according to the ability."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 12, 2011

2  Riley has a Continuum of Differentiated Services.  Differentiation is the process of adapting the curriculum according to the ability level of any student. Any change to content, process, or product constitutes differentiation.  Differentiation is meeting the needs of students.

3 -Pacing -Pre-Tests -Extensions -Learning Contracts -Independent Studies -Flexible Groups

4 -Student Choice of Research Topic and/or Product -Flexible Groups -Extensions

5  Collaboration and Teamwork  Higher-Order Thinking Skills for Problem Solving  Creativity and Curiosity  Informational and Technological Literacies  Self-directed Learning Strategies


7  Active involvement in learning.  Investigations based on real world problems.  Critical thinking for problem-solving.  Acquisition of critical knowledge.  Teamwork and collaboration.  Conflict resolution.  Reporting of research and delivery of recommendations or an action plan.

8  Resources  Coaches  Co-Investigators  Evaluators  Guides

9  Actively engages them in meaningful information seeking, problem solving, and critical thinking.  Provides opportunity for the application of their reading and math expertise while classroom differentiation experiences offer specific skill-based extensions.

10 Students will:  Formulate questions for inquiry.  Construct a problem statement to guide research.  Gather and synthesize pertinent information.  Develop and implement an action plan.  Reflect on the effectiveness of the plan.

11  Students: Scheduled for 1 hour per week.  Homework: No additional PSI homework due to its collaborative nature.  Student Absence: Meet with a co-teacher so that s/he can be prepared to participate in the next activity.  Co-teachers: Mr. Lapetino—Learning Coach Mrs. Ditthardt—Library Media Specialist Dr. Beyersdorfer—Instructional Technology Specialist

12  Partnership in the PSI Sessions: Converse with your child about his/her experience. ◦ Supports his/her learning. ◦ Allows for deeper processing of the experience. ◦ Provides opportunity to alert a co-teacher to a concern or a question.  PSI Introduction Letters: Sent at the beginning of each investigation describing the project.  Parent Night: Introduction to 21 st Century Skills and the PSI format implemented by District 21’s Enrichment Program.

13 Let’s Move: Growing Strong—first Problem Solving Investigation has a focus on wellness. Webpage Differentiation and Enrichment Online Differentiation and Enrichment Online Wiki: Parent Night Agenda PowerPoint Slide Show Student Testimonials

14  Parent PSI Program Summary Letters: sent at the end of each investigation.  On-going Assessment: No Final Letter Grade. Variety of formats and elements o Evidence of the use of 21 st Century Skills. o Critical thinking and meaning-making based on research and collaboration. o Presentation of findings and recommendations o Oral—debate, round table, news report o Written—electronic presentations (wiki, Powerpoint) and print formats.

15  J.W. Riley School 847-670-3400  Email Mr. Lapetino, Learning Coach Mrs. Ditthardt, Library Media Specialist Dr. Beyersdorfer, NBCT Instructional Technology Specialist

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