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Convenor / Discourse Leader: Dato’ Dr Dionysius S.K. Sharma Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer, WWF-Malaysia & Ms Rili Djohani Founding Board.

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Presentation on theme: "Convenor / Discourse Leader: Dato’ Dr Dionysius S.K. Sharma Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer, WWF-Malaysia & Ms Rili Djohani Founding Board."— Presentation transcript:

1 Convenor / Discourse Leader: Dato’ Dr Dionysius S.K. Sharma Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer, WWF-Malaysia & Ms Rili Djohani Founding Board Member & Executive Director, Coral Triangle Centre (CTC), Discussants: Datuk Dr Beatrice Beth Baikan Environmental Advisor & Consultant for the Sabah Palm Oil Industrial Cluster / Managing Director, Sustainable Environment Planning & Management Consultants Sdn. Bhd. & Board Member, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Malaysia Mr Darrel Webber Director-General, Roundtable in Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), Malaysia Mr Romeo B. Trono Country Executive Director, Conservation International - Philippines ROUNDTABLE 3 : SUSTAINABLE ECO-RESOURCES & BIODIVERSITY MANAGEMENT Venue: Tun Sri Lanang II

2 Recommendations keywords: sustainable community livelihoods, food security, resource-use management Need for more interactive roundtable dialogue sessions catered to specific stakeholders Implementation of solutions must be in accordance to ‘weighting’ based on competing stakeholder interests Recognise the need for adaptation in designing sustainable solutions Recognise the need to balance development & environmental conservation efforts Learn from RSPO platform / experience 1. CTI Platform Recognise transboundary issues, needs trans-national partnerships Need to recognise linkages between issues and solutions Consider case studies for best practices to be adopted in other sites (science & technological & management innovations) 2. Good national and international framework / guideline

3 Recommendations keywords: sustainable community livelihoods, food security, resource-use management Need to have a dedicated CCA Platform for dialogues Identify & include climate change resilience issues 3. Climate Change Adaptation Utilise & apply for existing “sustainable funding stream” through identification of issues and link innovative solutions from different sectors; e.g. carbon trading, energy saving solutions, sustainable protection & eco- tourism, good marine and coastal spatial planning 4. Business Models for Remote Islands CTI Campaign - Current program for the development of an interactive CTI website – to increase public awareness – fund raising activities / opportunities – events - etc... Need for more capacity building Need for more research / data & information for better decision-making Undertake project for sites “zero pollution – very polluted – clean environment” as case studies 5. Education & Awareness campaigns

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