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Voting Rules As Error-Correcting Codes Ariel D. Procaccia, Nisarg Shah, Yair Zick Carnegie Mellon University Error- Correcting Code.

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Presentation on theme: "Voting Rules As Error-Correcting Codes Ariel D. Procaccia, Nisarg Shah, Yair Zick Carnegie Mellon University Error- Correcting Code."— Presentation transcript:

1 Voting Rules As Error-Correcting Codes Ariel D. Procaccia, Nisarg Shah, Yair Zick Carnegie Mellon University Error- Correcting Code

2 Voting Rules As Error-Correcting Codes Social Choice Theory Alternatives Inputs Output = 7 = 2 = 1, = 3 = 5 = 2

3 Voting Rules As Error-Correcting Codes Subjective vs Objective  Aggregate subjective preferences  Find social consensus  Aggregate noisy estimates of underlying ground truth  Estimate the ground truth

4 Voting Rules As Error-Correcting Codes Previous Work Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)  Assume votes are drawn from a specific distribution  Given votes, choose the most likely ground truth Input Distribution Output MLE Rule Votes

5 Voting Rules As Error-Correcting Codes Previous Work Output Possible Input Distributions Votes

6 Voting Rules As Error-Correcting Codes This Work

7 Voting Rules As Error-Correcting Codes Error-Correcting…what?

8 Voting Rules As Error-Correcting Codes Research Question

9 Voting Rules As Error-Correcting Codes Notations

10 Voting Rules As Error-Correcting Codes Model

11 Voting Rules As Error-Correcting Codes Lining Up the Results! Kendall tau Footrule Maximum displacement Cayley’s distance

12 Voting Rules As Error-Correcting Codes Experiments Two real-world datasets  Dots and Puzzle (MPC, AAAI’13) DotsPuzzle

13 Voting Rules As Error-Correcting Codes Experiments Two real-world datasets  Dots and Puzzle (MPC, AAAI’13) DotsPuzzle

14 Voting Rules As Error-Correcting Codes Discussion

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