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Proton Delivery to Target Keith Gollwitzer Accelerator Division Fermilab MAP 2012 Winter Meeting March 7, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Proton Delivery to Target Keith Gollwitzer Accelerator Division Fermilab MAP 2012 Winter Meeting March 7, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proton Delivery to Target Keith Gollwitzer Accelerator Division Fermilab MAP 2012 Winter Meeting March 7, 2012

2 Outline Conceptual delivery of beam to target Effects of target solenoids on proton beam(s) –Cross check with some work on target optimization –Further investigations Parallel work done by Eliana Gianfelice- Wendt and myself –Tracking, Matrices, Spreadsheets.... March 7, 2012Gollwitzer -- Proton Delivery to Target2

3 Neutrino Factory Delivery Concept Task Force concept is to operate the pulsed linac at 15 Hz. Accumulate 9 or 12 bunches Transfer 3 bunches to Compressor Rotate and then extract bunches with correct bunch spacing of 120 μs –Effectively 45 or 60 Hz March 7, 2012Gollwitzer -- Proton Delivery to Target3

4 Muon Collider Delivery Concept Task Force concept is to operate the pulsed linac at 15 Hz. Accumulate 4 to 8 bunches Transfer all bunches to Compressor Rotate and then extract bunches in single turn Each bunch is sent on a different path (trombone) so that they all arrive at the target instantaneously March 7, 2012Gollwitzer -- Proton Delivery to Target4

5 Muon Collider Trombone March 7, 20125Gollwitzer -- Proton Delivery to Target

6 Single Beam to Target Want to know how solenoid will affect proton beam line Start from work done on optimizing target –Ding, Berg, Cline and Kirk, “Optimization of a mercury jet target for a neutrino factory or a muon collider”, PRST-AB 14. 111002 (2011) –Uses 2011 target station concept and varies many parameters to optimize the number of usable muons (uses 8 GeV proton beam) March 7, 2012Gollwitzer -- Proton Delivery to Target6

7 PRST-AB Optimization March 7, 20127Gollwitzer -- Proton Delivery to Target Jet/Solenoid angle: 96.7 mrad Jet/Proton Beam angle: 27 mrad at IP Jet radius: 0.4cm Proton Beam Energy: 8 GeV Proton Beam is Gaussian Proton Beam Radius (rms) is 30% of jet radius Solenoid Field is 20 T in interaction region Jet is in y-z plane

8 PRST-AB Optimization Initial optimization is with beam coming from below –Roll angle of 180 o Investigate proton beam azimuthal approach –Propagate proton beam back to -75 cm –Helical paths for beam to always intersect at (0 cm, 0 cm, -37.5 cm) –Investigated 15 paths with different roll angles into the jet March 7, 2012Gollwitzer -- Proton Delivery to Target8

9 Need Solenoid Information March 7, 20129Gollwitzer -- Proton Delivery to Target “The Target System Baseline”, Kirk & McDonald (Feb 4, 2011) Proton Beam in Solenoid field

10 Solenoids Layout March 7, 201210Gollwitzer -- Proton Delivery to Target z (cm) r (cm)

11 Field on axis March 7, 201211Gollwitzer -- Proton Delivery to Target z (cm) B_z (T)

12 Radial field March 7, 201212Gollwitzer -- Proton Delivery to Target z (cm) B_r (T) r = 7 cm From Ding

13 Reproducing PRST-AB Beam Paths -75 cm to -37.5cm March 7, 201213Gollwitzer -- Proton Delivery to Target

14 Beam Distance from Jet March 7, 201214Gollwitzer -- Proton Delivery to Target Clearance is in beam sigmas at -75 cm

15 X & Y vs Z March 7, 201215Gollwitzer -- Proton Delivery to Target

16 X vs Y March 7, 201216Gollwitzer -- Proton Delivery to Target 8m to IP 0.5m to IP

17 Single Beam Path Optimization of muons per roll angle results in roll of 264 o Roll of 95.4 o results in hitting jet twice Z = -123 and -37.5 cm March 7, 2012Gollwitzer -- Proton Delivery to Target17

18 Beam Size Z [m]σ rms [cm] -31.06 -41.45 -51.85 -62.25 -72.65 -83.05 At IP, σ rms = 0.12 cm Optimization shows that β* ≥ 0.3 m – Requires ε ≤ 4.8 μm For β* = 0.3 m March 7, 2012Gollwitzer -- Proton Delivery to Target18

19 Multiple Beam Paths Start with four beam paths separated by roll angle of 90 o Want to be away from path which could hit jet (or apparatus) –Want to be 45 o from this path Will investigate the distance between beam centers Beam Paths’ Rolls: –50.4 o, 140.4 o, 230.4 o and 320.4 o March 7, 2012Gollwitzer -- Proton Delivery to Target19

20 Four Beam Paths March 7, 201220Gollwitzer -- Proton Delivery to Target 8m to IP 0.5m to IP Distance to jet 0.5m to IP

21 X vs Y at Different Z March 7, 201221Gollwitzer -- Proton Delivery to Target

22 X vs Y at Different Z March 7, 201222Gollwitzer -- Proton Delivery to Target -3m-4m-5m -6m-7m-8m

23 Distance Between Beam Paths March 7, 201223Gollwitzer -- Proton Delivery to Target Distance from “opposite” paths Distance from nearest paths σ rms

24 Summary March 7, 2012Gollwitzer -- Proton Delivery to Target24

25 Extras March 7, 2012Gollwitzer -- Proton Delivery to Target25

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